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Being smart, they say, is a gift, a boon, a blessing,

But in the shadow of this supposed virtue lies a burden,

A weight that presses upon my shoulders, heavy and relentless.

They speak of potential, of paths paved with prestige,

A future adorned with titles, accolades, and acclaim,

As if intelligence were a predetermined destiny.

"Doctor, scientist, engineer," they whisper in reverent tones,

"Reach for the stars, aim for greatness, ascend the ivory tower,"

But what if my heart's desire does not tread those hallowed stones?

To dream of teaching, of creating art, of nurturing souls,

Is met with quizzical glances, raised eyebrows, and disapproval,

As if ambition were measured solely by society's skewed goals.

They deem it a waste, a travesty, a tragedy untold,

To forsake the arduous and the demanding for the simple,

As if happiness and fulfillment were for the ignorant and the bold.

But what if I yearn to be a guiding light in someone's life,

To paint the world in colors only I can perceive,

To find solace in the embrace of my passions, free from strife?

Sometimes, in the quiet recesses of my thoughts,

I wish for a reprieve from the expectations that bind,

To be free from the shackles of being deemed "smart."

To be ordinary, unremarkable, unnoticed by the crowd,

To revel in the bliss of obscurity, where potential is not a curse,

Where dreams are cherished, unburdened by others' doubts.

For being smart is not a blessing, but a double-edged sword,

A paradox of expectations and aspirations,

A journey to navigate, with its own unique accord.

And in the end, I must forge my own path, unswayed,

To follow my heart, to embrace my desires, to be unafraid,

For true wisdom lies not in what others expect, but in the choices I've made.

In the tapestry of life, I'll weave my own design,

With threads of passion and purpose, uniquely mine.

I'll defy the constraints of convention and conformity,

To carve out a destiny that reflects my authenticity.

For what is intelligence if it's not harnessed for happiness?

What is potential if it's not used to create?

I'll embrace the art of being true to myself,

Even if the world sees it as a deviation from fate.

So, let me dream, let me aspire to a life well-lived,

One where the pursuit of joy and fulfillment takes the lead.

Being smart may be a gift, but it's not the sole measure,

Of a life well-lived, where authenticity is the treasure.


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