Leaving the past behind

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In the quiet chambers of my mind, I've learned

The wisdom of letting the past rest, untouched.

For it is in the present and the uncharted future,

That I find the canvas upon which I paint my life.

The past, a mosaic of memories and experiences,

Is a part of me, an indelible mark upon my soul.

But I've come to understand that dwelling in its embrace,

Can be a prison, stifling the potential of what's yet to unfold.

In the shadows of yesterday, I once sought solace,

Clung to the echoes of what once was, aching to rewind.

But time, that relentless river, flows in one direction,

And the past, no matter how cherished, remains behind.

Leaving the past in the past is not a betrayal of history,

Nor a dismissal of the lessons it so generously imparts.

Rather, it's an act of liberation, a declaration of intent,

To fully embrace the present, to claim the future as my own.

In the tapestry of my life, each thread is a moment,

A choice, a story, a chapter that's come to an end.

Yet, as I weave onward, I'm guided not by what's behind,

But by the possibilities that lie ahead, around each bend.

For the past is a garden of blooms and thorns,

A rich terrain where both joys and sorrows were sown.

But I've decided to venture beyond the garden's gate,

To explore new landscapes, to seek the unknown.

Leaving the past in the past is a journey of acceptance,

A recognition that growth requires release and renewal.

It's a testament to resilience, a step towards resilience,

A choice to create a future that's vibrant, authentic, and surreal.

So, I leave behind what no longer serves me,

The weight of regrets, the shackles of old grudges.

With an open heart, I embrace the now,

For it's in the present that my life truly burgeons.

In letting go, I find the freedom to soar,

To rise above the tethers of history's grasp.

The past is a treasure, a source of reflection,

But it's the future where my destiny I clasp.

In the gentle art of releasing the past,

I discover the power of resilience at last.

Leaving behind what no longer aligns,

I step into a future where my spirit shines.


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