Lyrics II

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Verse 1:

I'm sitting here all alone in the dark,

Feeling like everyone's just waiting to depart,

My heart's beating fast, but my mind's moving slow,

Voices in my head, telling me where to go.

I try to push them away, but they always come back,

Whispering words of doubt and attack,

Telling me I'm not good enough, that I'll never succeed,

Filling me with fear, making it hard to breathe.


Fear of abandonment, it's all I know,

Every time I turn around, someone's gonna go,

And the voices in my head, they won't leave me alone,

Telling me to give up and just go home.

Verse 2:

Sometimes I wonder if I'm just too much,

Too much of a burden, too much of a fuss,

But I can't shake this feeling of being alone,

The fear of abandonment, it's all I've ever known.

I've lost so many people, friends and family,

They said they'd be there, but it never came to be,

Now I'm scared to get close, scared to let anyone in,

Afraid they'll just leave me, and I'll be alone again.


Fear of abandonment, it's all I know,

Every time I turn around, someone's gonna go,

And the voices in my head, they won't leave me alone,

Telling me to give up and just go home.

Verse 3:

I try to keep my head up, but it's hard to do,

When I feel like everyone's just passing through,

My mind is a prison, and the voices won't stop,

Telling me to give up and just drop.

But I won't give up, I won't let them win,

I'll fight through the fear, and the doubt, and the sin,

I'll hold onto hope, even when it's hard,

I won't let the voices in my head tear me apart.


Fear of abandonment, it's all I know,

Every time I turn around, someone's gonna go,

And the voices in my head, they won't leave me alone,

Telling me to give up and just go home.

Verse 4:

I know I shouldn't listen to the voices in my head,

But it's hard to ignore them when they're all I have left,

I wish I could break free from this cycle of pain,

But the fear of abandonment, it's driving me insane.

I'm tired of being scared, tired of feeling alone,

I want to break free, I want to find a new home,

But it's hard to let go of what's familiar and known,

To take a chance on love, and hope that it will grow.


Fear of abandonment, it's all I know,

Every time I turn around, someone's gonna go,

And the voices in my head, they won't leave me alone,

Telling me to give up and just go home.


I'm trapped in this cycle, and I don't know how to break free,

But I'll keep fighting, even if it's just for me,

I'll hold on tight, and I won't let go,

Even though the fear of abandonment, it's all I know.

I'll keep moving forward, step by step, day by day,

And I'll find the strength to face the fear, and the doubt, and the fray,

I'll learn to trust again, to let my heart be open wide,

And I'll find my way to the other side.


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