Lyrics I

14 3 3

Verse 1:

I'm feeling lost in this world, alone and afraid

My mind's a battleground, voices never fade

I need attention, validation, but it's never enough

Feeling like I'm drowning, in this emotional rough

Trying to find my way, but I'm stuck in a maze

Looking for some hope, but it's hard to embrace

I need some clarity, a way to see the light

To break these chains, and to start my fight


Can anybody hear me? Does anybody care?

I'm lost in this abyss, and it's hard to bear

The voices in my head, they keep me up at night

I need some guidance, to help me find the light

Verse 2:

I'm searching for a purpose, a reason to live

But the future seems uncertain, and I can't forgive

The mistakes of my past, they haunt me every day

I'm struggling to keep up, trying to find my own way

The fear of the unknown, it's weighing me down

I'm trying to stay afloat, but I feel like I might drown

I need some strength, to help me carry on

To fight these battles, and to prove that I belong


Can anybody hear me? Does anybody care?

I'm lost in this abyss, and it's hard to bear

The voices in my head, they keep me up at night

I need some guidance, to help me find the light

Verse 3:

I feel like I'm stuck in a never-ending cycle

Trying to break free, but it's like I'm on trial

My mind's in a constant battle, it's hard to ignore

The demons inside, they keep knocking at my door

The restlessness, mood swings, black and white thinking

It's hard to cope, and it's hard to stop sinking

I need some love, to help me ease the pain

To show me that I'm not alone, and that I can still reign


Can anybody hear me? Does anybody care?

I'm lost in this abyss, and it's hard to bear

The voices in my head, they keep me up at night

I need some guidance, to help me find the light


I need a way out, a light to guide me through

To find myself, and to start anew

I know it won't be easy, but I'm willing to fight

To find my place in this world, and to finally see the light.

I'll keep on moving, even when it's tough

And I won't give up, until I've had enough

I'll find my voice, and I'll make it heard

To show the world, that I'm more than just a word.


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