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SSRIs, the pills that promise solace, the pharmaceutical lifelines

Extended to those whose minds bear the weight of storms.

Yet, in their embrace, I find a paradox, a duality

That weaves a complex tapestry within the corridors of my consciousness.

They are meant to heal, to mend the fractured mind,

To untangle the knotted threads of despair and doubt.

But often, they shroud my emotions in a murky fog,

A veil that separates me from the rawness of my own feelings.

Emotionally numb, I drift through the days like a specter,

A ghostly presence in the theater of my life.

The highs and lows that once painted my existence

Now muted, dulled, a monochromatic palette of existence.

They whisper to my neurons, these synthetic messengers,

A siren's call that lulls the tempest of my thoughts.

But in their gentle persuasion, confusion arises,

As clarity becomes an elusive specter that dances just beyond my reach.

The tangled threads of cognition unravel, slowly but surely,

A labyrinth where thoughts lose their way, where clarity becomes a mirage.

The once-sharp edges of reason blur, replaced by uncertainty,

And in their place, a fog of doubt and hesitation unfurls.

I search for the words that once flowed freely,

But they elude me, slipping through my grasp like quicksilver.

My thoughts, once clear, now wander aimlessly,

Lost in the labyrinthine recesses of my mind, a puzzle missing pieces.

SSRIs, the double-edged sword of my mental landscape,

They offer solace, a raft on turbulent waters, yet they steal the colors from my canvas.

Emotionally numb, thoughts entangled in a web of confusion,

I navigate the paradox of healing that leaves me adrift, yearning for clarity's return.

In the quiet hours, I wrestle with this intricate dance,

Between the soothing balm of medication and the desire for lucidity.

I long to reclaim the vividness of my emotions,

To untangle the knots and find the hidden hues in the monochrome.

For within this paradox, I seek balance, a middle ground,

Where healing and clarity converge, and I can be whole once more.

SSRIs, the enigmatic companions on my journey,

Offering both respite and challenge as I navigate the complex terrain of my mind.


Whispers of The Soul: Poems and MusingsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon