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Doing stupid things, talking loud,

A masquerade I perform, a charade so proud.

Not seeking attention, nor craving the spotlight's gleam,

But to shield the pain, to hide the silent scream.

I wear a smile that conceals the inner ache,

A laughter that echoes, a fragile facade to make.

I chase after fleeting moments, distractions to deceive,

Hoping they'll help me forget, help me believe.

But the pain, it lingers, an unyielding weight,

A silent burden that defies my attempts to abate.

I bury it deep within, far out of sight,

Afraid of the chaos that may ensue if it sees the light.

So I dance with recklessness, with wild abandon,

Seeking an escape from the heart's solemn canyon.

I talk too much, drown out the inner cries,

Praying that laughter will drown the tears in my eyes.

Yet, the pain remains, a constant, haunting refrain,

A reminder that healing is a journey through the rain.

Though I may hide it, pretending to be strong,

I know that facing it head-on is where I truly belong.

For doing stupid things, talking loud, can only do so much,

To quiet the tempest within, to heal the heart's touch.

I must confront the pain I've long tried to evade,

Find the courage to heal, to no longer be afraid.

In the chaos of life's turbulent tide,

I seek solace in the moments when I can't hide.

A refuge in the stillness, a pause in the storm,

I gather strength to face the pain, to transform.

The journey is arduous, the path undefined,

But within me, a fire of resilience is enshrined.

As I shed the layers of pretense, the masks I wear,

I learn that healing begins with acknowledging despair.

So I'll continue doing stupid things, talking loud,

Until I find the courage to remove the shroud.

To embrace the pain, and not let it confide,

That healing is possible, when I confront what's inside.


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