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I find myself suspended in time, longing for a sign,

A sign that you'll reassure me of my worthiness.

They say time heals, but it begs the question:

Why do I constantly grapple with my own self-worth?

Within me reside qualities, both dark and light,

A blend of strengths and flaws that shape who I am.

I've made commitments, some I've had to abandon,

Days when I've questioned whether love is a distant dream.

Please, don't rush to label me as a mere mistake,

For I am a complex tapestry of experiences and emotions.

I may have stumbled along the way, made missteps,

But I refuse to be defined by those moments alone.

In the shadows, I confront my inner turmoil,

Wrestling with anxiety's relentless grip on my soul.

I grapple with my own fears, just like anyone else,

Fearing the unknown, yet longing to find inner peace.

I've traversed paths of self-discovery,

Seeking answers within the labyrinth of my past.

In moments of vulnerability, I may appear fragile,

But beneath it all, resilience thrives, awaiting its chance to shine.

Though resentment may knock upon my door,

I am determined not to let it consume my spirit.

My self-confidence may waver at times,

But my devotion to those I love remains steadfast.

I would walk through fire for those dear to me,

Defending them against life's harsh winds.

So, if you attempt to bring me down, know this:

I am no passive participant, but a guardian of my own well-being.

My journey may be paved with thorns and thistles,

And yes, I may stumble and lash out in frustration.

Yet, in the midst of this labyrinth of emotions,

I strive to safeguard the precious fragments of my soul.

I do not dwell in a realm of blind acceptance,

But I am determined to rise above the turbulence.

Though I may feel ensnared by my thoughts at times,

I refuse to be confined by my past, for I am more than the sum of my experiences.


(Inspired by NF-MISTAKE)

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