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Within the depths of the soul, there burns a fire,

A flame that ignites the passions of life's desire.

It dances with purpose, a mesmerizing choreography,

In the heart of every dreamer's life story.

With fervor, it flickers and roars,

A beacon of light, guiding to untamed shores.

It fuels the spirit, a relentless blaze,

Igniting the path to brighter days.

It's the spark that kindles the artist's brush,

Painting dreams with every vibrant rush.

The musician's melody, pure and untamed,

A symphony of emotions, a passion inflamed.

In the athlete's heart, it's a relentless beat,

Driving them forward, to achieve the feat.

The writer's words, like poetry on the page,

Flow from this flame, an eternal sage.

For in the flames of passion, we find our way,

A purpose that brightens even the darkest day.

It's the force that compels us to create and explore,

To love what we do, forever wanting more.

So tend to your flame with care and devotion,

Nurture it with love and unwavering emotion.

Let it burn brightly, unapologetically bold,

For in the flames of passion, our stories are told.


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