My parents

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In the eyes of the world, my parents are paragons of love,

Their smiles radiant, their kindness unwavering.

To others, they are a beacon of compassion and understanding,

Their hearts seemingly boundless, their love unconditional.

I've heard it countless times, the praise for the wonderful parents I have,

How lucky I am to be raised by such remarkable souls.

Everyone they meet paints a portrait of love and perfection,

A harmonious family filled with warmth and affection.

But behind the closed doors of our home, a different truth unfolds,

A reality where their love is elusive, their smiles rare.

At home, their disappointment simmers, their discontent palpable,

Control is their currency, and I am but a pawn in their game.

The contrast between their public and private actions is stark,

A stark dissonance that echoes in the recesses of my heart.

I long to believe in the love others see,

But the truth of their actions at home is an unrelenting weight.

In public, they embrace me, a façade of affection,

But behind closed doors, I am met with scorn and criticism.

Their love is conditional, their approval fleeting,

A constant source of turmoil that leaves me feeling depleted.

So, when others marvel at the wonderful parents I possess,

It is a bitter pill to swallow, a painful charade to maintain.

I nod and smile, for the chasm between their perception and my reality

Is a divide too vast to bridge, a truth I dare not unveil.

In the world's eyes, they are amazing parents, loving and kind,

But at home, I am left with a different narrative in mind.

A tale of contradictions, where love is a mask they wear,

And the applause of the world is a performance they stage.

I yearn for the consistency of love, the warmth of acceptance,

Not just in the public gaze, but within the sanctuary of home.

Yet, I am left with a paradox, a contradiction to navigate.


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