In Finn and Jake's room, Jake was looking at himself in the mirror. "Why's Lady so nervous, anyway?" Finn asked.

"Well... she didn't really say, but it might have somethin' to do with the Rainicorn-Dog Wars," Jake answered back like it was no problem.

Finn's eyes widened. "There were wars between rainicorns and dogs?"

Jake's eyes widened to show the importance of the battles. "Horrifying wars. For thousands of years, rainicorns battled dogs over territory in the Crystal Dimension..." He paused before slicking back the top of his hair. "But Lady and I are cool."

Finn grabbed Jake by his shoulders. "Dude! Her parents are probably all full of dog hatred from the war times! They're gonna see you're a dog and forbid Lady from ever hanging out with you again!" He exclaimed.

"...Nah. That could never happen." Jake scoffed playfully, not believing what Finn was saying.

"You didn't think this through enough... IT COULD HAPPEN!!" Finn then moved his hands to cup Jake's face.

Jake thought more of the outcome and his eyes widened. The small seed of wonder slowly turned into a giant tree of doubt and fear. "AAAH! I'M A MORON!" He yelled, becoming terrified of not being able to see Lady ever again.

Finn let go of Jake's face. "Don't worry. I've got a plan that's gonna solve this biz. Homies help homies. Always." He held his fist up to his chest like he was pledging.

"I'm ready to hear your plan, homie." Finn bent down and started to whisper the plan to Jake, even though they were alone in the room together...

Down in the treasure room, the two boys were spraying and painting everything with colors. They sang a small decorating song to each other. Jake then morphed himself into a rainicorn

"Haha, yeah! This plan is perfect!" Finn laughed, spaying some ketchup on the wall.

Jake laughed nervously while looking around. "You know, I thought painting ourselves rainbow color using condiments and stuff from the fridge so we could pretend to be rainicorns was a good idea when you pitched it to me five minutes ago, but now I'm not so sure, man." He started to have a cold sweat.

Y/n hopped down from the ladder, her everyday outfit being worn, but she looked cleaner than usual, "See, I am nervous for him so of course I am going to look better because sometimes I can be better than-- What happened?" Y/n stopped her rant with Campi as she looked around.

"Nothin'. Come ooonnn. Trust me, homie." Finn tried to console Jake, but it wasn't working.

"No, no, no, new plan. First, we're gonna clean this place up, and then-" Jake's freakout was cut off by a knock on the door. He gasped loudly just hearing it.

"Jake?" A woman's voice asked from outside.

Jake started a scream before he turned to his friends. "LET'S HIDE AND BURN THE HOUSE DOWN!"

The doorbell went off twice, and then more knocking happened. "Hello?"

With a shaky sigh, Jake opened the door, but not enough to fully show himself. "안녕하세요 " (Hello.) He greeted them.

"Jake, is that you?" Ethel, Lady's mom, asked.


Ethel and Bob, Lady's dad, gave each other a look. "Are you going to let us in?"

Jake sighed again. "Y-yeeeaaah..." He stuttered before opening the door fully. Ethel's eyes widened at the sight of Jake, and then she shrieked. "I can explain!! I can explain!!" Jake yelled, his eyes also wide while he tried to resolve the situation.

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