I Wanna Do Bad Things With You (Part II)

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**small explicit warning, mild non-consent**



*10 days ago, Forbidden Forest*

"Everte Statum!" Y/N's voice boomed and the shockwave hit me hard enough to make my body bounce slightly against the ground. I watched in awe as her magic landed a crushing blow directly into the center of Nathairin Gaunt's body, sending him countless meters into the darkness of the forest. All was finally quiet, no more screams, no more menacing laughter - just quiet.

Where had she learned such a powerful combat spell?

The ropes from my Incarcerous bindings fell away into dust and I flipped myself up on all fours, gasping to breathe through the wound across the top of my chest was excruciating, still slowly oozing out blood in droplets to the ground. I looked towards Y/N who was now laid out on her back, seeming to still be awake and staring up into the canopy of the forest with the expulsion of magic knocking the wind out of her - then I looked to Ominis, laid face down in the dirt. His body was still spasming from the shocks of the Cruciatus curse as strained rasping noises fell from his throat. It took only seconds for me to decide who to crawl to.

"As long as I'm around, no one will ever hurt you again Ominis, I promise." I recalled an oath I made so many years ago to a weeping, nightmare stricken twelve-year-old as we lay huddled in bed together the rest of that night, doing my best to soothe away years of torment.

"Ominis? Ominis, breathe for me mate, come on!" I pleaded as I rolled him onto my lap to cradle his head and shoulders in my arms. His hair was completely matted with blood and earth, the same for his face, his chest - every inch of him just caked in filth and his skin was so damn cold and pale. The cloudiness of his eyes seemed even darker than usual, almost completely obscuring his icy blue irises that were half rolled upwards into his head. If it weren't for the unnerving sound of him choking on himself with every attempt to take a full breath I would have sworn him dead.

"S-Seb.." he croaked.

"I'm here Ominis, I've got you." I said, instantly falling into a fit of hot tears. "I.. don't got you, do I? I'm so sorry Ominis," I whined, rocking us, "All those times I promised they would never hurt you again - I swore it. Swore I could protect you.. and.."


"I couldn't do a single fucking thing about any of it!" I near yelled into his face. His body stiffened as another painful spasm shot through his body and I pressed a kiss into his forehead for it's entire duration, crying uncontrollably. "I'm sorry...," I cried, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.."

What good am I? I couldn't do anything for Anne, I continuously fail Y/N, and now Ominis is dying in arms..

"Sebastian!?" I lifted my head up at the sound of Professor Weasley's voice bouncing off the trees, "Y/N! Ominis?!!"

Here... we're here..

"Ominis! Y/N!" It was Professor Hecat this time, "Sebastian!!!"

"We're HERE!" I shouted as hard as I could, sending fiery pain stabbing through the wound on my chest. I fished my wand out from my trousers, keeping Ominis gripped tightly against me and shot tiny red blasts into the air hoping they would notice. "Hold on, Ominis.. they're coming to help us. Merlin, please, Ominis.. don't do this, don't leave us.."

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