(Summertime Sadness, Part X Finale Teaser)

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***** Explicit content warning for the first part of this chapter - there is some consent/non consent mildly spicy content, but just like last time I did my best to keep it tasteful as possible considering the scene happening. If you do not want to read it, please scroll down to the safe marker, or skim through what you want and don't want to read. Thank you and apologies if I offend anyone!****


My eyes forced themselves open, trapped in the darkness behind a tightly wrapped piece of silk around my head that was adding to the intense headache pounding between my ears. It took me only seconds to realize that I wasn't standing, but floating somewhere as I felt my arms pinned to the side of my head due to my wrists being bound and hung over some kind of iron hook that I could feel at my nearly numb fingertips. Every muscle from my shoulders to my wrists were trembling uncontrollably in a cold, prickly pain of being left in this position for an unknown amount of time. I could feel the pressure on my hips attempting to support the weight of my lower body while at the same time stretching my midsection as far as it could go causing a disconnect between the two sections of my body as I tried to swing myself around a bit to no avail - I felt like a flailing fish on a fisherman's rod.

Where am I? Where are the others!?

"Ominis?" I whispered with just a drop of hope in my voice into the nothing.

They aren't here, the Red-Devils took only me for some reason. Someone found them - surely they're safe now? Oh, Ominis.. I decided it was best to push the events of last night to the back of my mind for now and focus solely on my escape from wherever I was, beginning with a further assessment of my current surroundings.

The air was hot and humid in whatever chamber this was, soaking my entire body in sweat that was causing annoying strands of hair to stick to my face and I realized I was no longer in my outfit from the night before but instead what felt like a sleeveless nightdress made of a thin chiffon that went all the way down to my ankles. As the material clung itself to the more damp parts of my body I also noted that my undergarments were missing, causing a small jolt of embarrassment and vulnerability to shoot through my stomach.

I tried stretching my foot out, pointing my toes downward with all my might in hopes of finding the floor. My large toe was able to barely scrape along some damp, textured stone surface. From what I could tell there were at least other people around, hearing shuffling and muffled voices coming from somewhere above me - someone giving orders and others chiming out in acknowledgement. It was the sounds of dragging across carpets and quick, heavy footsteps on wooden floors making the hook I was slung over shake a bit.

I'm underground somewhere.. a cellar? A... dungeon?

Thoughts of screaming came to mind, but chances were the people above me were no friendlier than the person who put me here. Next I tried to focus hard on my shaky Apparition skills. I could feel the force of magic trying to pull me away, but something was keeping my body from actually jumping into the spell.

Anti-teleport charms? Definitely a dungeon, wonderful...

Suddenly I could hear a heavy footsteps, not from above me but from somewhere on my level. I turned all my attentions to the sound, trying to identify which direction it was coming from and if they were coming for me. The noise of boots against slippery stone was indeed coming closer, making my breathing and heart rate climb to rapid speeds. They stopped for a moment, replaced with the sound of tiny jingly noises - keys on a key ring - and the sound of metal sliding into metal and making a loud click as a lock was undone somewhere in front of me. A door knob was turned, and the squeal of old rusted hinges pierced my ears like nails on a chalkboard. The footsteps entered the room and slammed the door, locking it back up.

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