Summertime Sadness, Part X SEASON FINALE (P1)

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Dear Readers!

I know I said I was going to publish this all at once, seeing as the words were just flying through my keyboard and it's been days - days of rewrites and going back and even having to double check outlines and notes for future chapters to make sure I set up all the pins for the next season of chapters. Long story short, this finale hit a whopping 40,000+ words and my friend told me to stop my insanity and post it in two parts - though I think it was more for her sanity and for the sanity of you all waiting to read more that she was most interested in!

So here it is, Part 1 of the big Summer Finale - coming in just shy of the 30,000 word count so settle in my lovelies.

There is an explicit mature warning - there is adult language, some heavy innuendo, violence, nudity, mature themes, all that good exciting stuff. . I've had a few mentions that my content is steamy for such young adult characters and it was meant that way - and I strive to write everything with full emotion and in a respectable way when it comes to the intimate scenes of my stories. It will get more explicit as it goes along and as the storyworld matures and the absolute devastation of drama that I have planned gets  heavy on the heart.

I have always been a huge fan of period piece romances and classical literature - a history buff and let's face it, I do kinda sorta love cheesy romances (Uhh any Twilight or Riverdale in the house? Show of hands? Just me?👀) and unrealistic but almost believable situations. But that's what this is all about right? Getting to know and love characters, hate them, love them again, see them in new emotions and in a relatable light. I suppose long story short, if my wishy washy romance isn't your cup of tea - that's okay! Skim through the parts you don't like and I will still welcome you along!

Anyhow, thank you for reading. Get a snack, get a drink, and I hope you enjoy part one of the season finale as much as I enjoyed writing it, and I hope this helps you along until part two is ready!



One would say that I have faced many a hardship and tragedy for being a young man of seventeen but none of them hold a flame to the misfortune I felt waking up in a carriage on the opposite side of the Auror Isaac Price and his annoying prize-winning smile.

"You're awake sooner than I expected. We've left the scene of the crime no more than twenty minutes or so ago." He said as he tossed an elongated wooden box directly at me. I snapped to attention from my position leaning against the wall in my seat and fumbled a bit to catch it in my daze.

"Scene of the crime.... Y/N!" I tossed the box next to me and pulled the dark colored curtains back from the window. We were no longer in the neighborhood of the restaurant Rules, but speeding down some uneven street alongside the river. "Where in the bloody hell are we going?! I have to go back for her!"

Isaac reached across towards me to snatch the fabric back over it, wiggling his finger at me in disapproval. "Now, none of that. The city is no doubt currently being flooded with Ministry Officers, and we can't take take any chances on them finding you just yet. I do sincerely hope they find your fair Y/N though."

"Finding me? Why are they looking for me?"

"Because they are searching for two missing Hogwarts students, not one." Isaac answered. "I had been tasked to some business with the four of you and hoped I could catch you all before your evening was through but I was held up. Unfortunately I arrived at Rules too late and  there were the three of you on the ground - I had my coachman gather you up and we made our quiet getaway."

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