Summertime Sadness, Part V

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*AUTHOR: A warning - sometime soon in the beginning of this chapter is some mild spicy times. It could be weird for some as our beloved students are still technically underage for our modern times. If you are worried about feeling uncomfortable, please read until the final warning and then scroll past. Thank you and enjoy~*

I spent two days at Ominis' side as he still slept, keeping him medicated and comfortable as I watched his body heal from the broodmother's sudden attack. Thoughts cursed my mind as I hated myself for not noticing our unwanted guest or the giant spider that had reclaimed the demolished nest sitting above us sooner and possibly preventing both attacks. I would sob in both happiness and anger as I redressed the wound on his shoulder - it looked better and better each time but I was sinking in guilt that he had saved me with such a heavy sacrifice. The vision of the broodmother ramming him into the wall and kicking him away like he was nothing plagued my dreams every time I dared to sleep, waking me with tears in my eyes.

It didn't take more than simply asking for Mr. Moon to excuse us for the rest of the week without a single question raised as to why. I had gathered all the ingredients from the storeroom in the Potions Classtoom for the Shadowsight Potion and began preparing them just as Professor Sharp instructed. Many of the items were going to take a few days, even with magic to accelerate the drying and grinding processes. In the meantime I had read over the recipe a dozen times, making sure I was going to be fully prepared when it was time to brew and didn't mess up a single step.

Mr. Pippin sent word to us that our order had arrived and Deek was kind enough to go retrieve it for me so I didn't have to leave Ominis alone, returning from Hogsmeade with a brightly colored green box covered in J. Pippin's shop logo. I wanted to much to reward Deek for saving Ominis' life and always being true confidant when I need one, but Professor Weasley advised me against it, and assured me that my kindness and praise was more than enough for him.

On the third morning I checked Ominis' shoulder wound, smiling as I noticed it was now almost completely gone with just a slight outline of it remaining. I didn't bother to replace his bandages and propped myself up next to him, finally feeling safe in being close to his body without causing him discomfort.

"Do you want to hear a story?" I asked him, taking a heavy exhale from his nose as a sign of yes. "How about the one of Cinderella and her glass slippers? Or perhaps Sleeping Beauty in The Wood would be more fitting, considering the current events."

I settled on Sleeping Beauty in The Wood, flipping through the pages of 'Tales of Mother Goose' by Charles Perrault that Ominis had gifted me so long ago. The small tome was almost always with me, stored away in my book bag throughout the rest of the school year as the most treasured gift from the boy I was so fond of. I had already read every tale to him several times of course but he never seemed to be bored and loved them just as much as I did.

"Il était une fois un roi et une reine qui étaient affligés, plus affligés que les mots ne peuvent le dire, parce qu'ils n'avaient pas d'enfants. Ils tâtèrent les eaux de tous les pays, firent des vœux et des pèlerinages, et firent tout ce qui pouvait être fait, mais sans résultat. Enfin, cependant, la reine a constaté que ses souhaits étaient exaucés et, en temps voulu, elle a donné naissance à une fille." I chose to read it as it was written, in French, considering Ominis wasn't exactly awake and couldn't possibly hear me anyhow - it was easier than translating it to him on the spot as I previously had.

As the story ended I felt exhaustion weigh my body down into the soft comforts of the beds folds, falling asleep to dreams of my Prince Charming Ominis saving me in the woods.

It was incredibly difficult to feign sleeping through Y/N's narration of one of her favorite fairy tales from the book I had given her but hearing her voice carry through the room we were in sent pleasant chills down my body, that I realized was completely undressed aside from a pair of undershorts. Eventually her story ended and I felt her sink into the bed next to me, resting her head on my arm and lifting her knee over my thigh, tangling our legs together - falling asleep not long after. The silkiness of her nightdress pressed against my bare skin sent a low rush of bumps down my legs.

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