If I Could Turn Back Time

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I'm going to kill him! Stupid, fat-headed lion!

"Oh, Kogawa! Quidditch hasn't even started yet and you're already bringing me students laid out on stretchers! Here, put her here!" Madam Blainey waved frantically at a bed in the middle of the room to lay Y/N in. "Gracious, what happened? Lucan? Lucan dear, come here!"

Professor Kogawa and I held the stretcher steady as Blainey circled her wand in the air above it with a charm that carried Y/N gently onto the bed. Her face was twisted in a pain I could hardly imagine as she struggled to breathe and cry at the same time. Bruises and small cuts dotted her skin and I couldn't help but kneel on the floor beside her to pluck the bits of earth from her hair. She let her head drop sideways to look at me with eyes half open, sputtering and whimpering as she tried to speak but actual words never came. I ran my thumb across her lips, wiping away the spittle and doing my best to smile at her reassuringly without looking smug, listening to the "I told you so" run in between my rage-filled thoughts of the further rearranging I was going to give Garreth Weasley's face.

"Yes, Madam Blain- oh hells, Y/N!" Lucan gasped as he leaned over the foot of her bed. "Sebastian, what happened??"

"Never mind that for now, Lucan. Go to Professor Sharp, tell him she's been in an accident and ask if he has any more of that bone mending potion to bring along - she may need it." Blainey ushered him away with orders before I could explain. The young Gryffindor took off in a full run, nearly knocking over Thomas Malden who was supporting a battered and unable-to-walk Garreth into the room. "Oh for the love of Merlin's beard, there's two of them? Set him up over there Mr. Malden and fetch him a Wiggenweld from the cabinets for now - I'll be awhile here."

"Of course, Madam.. c'mon mate, one last push and you can rest." The calm and caring sound in Thomas' voice irritated me as he helped Garreth ease into a bed across from Y/N. He was the one regulating the lot of us going through the course which meant he allowed Garreth to take her up, fueling yet another annoyance. The two of us met eyes as he passed by to do as the Madam said and I caught the flash of guilt in them - he knew exactly what I was thinking and no doubt we'd have words about it later.

Thomas passed by Marcel Rosier who was still being detained from the other night, sitting up in bed surrounded by books and parchments. He was all but flying out of his sheets to come over and get a better look at was going on, seeming concerned and delighted at the same time.

"Sebastian, dear, you're going to have to take some steps back. We need to undress her. If you would, the cabinets - two purple bottles, one green, one turquoise, and the jar of pink salve please." I nodded at Madam Blainey's instructions and began to stand up until I felt Y/N's hand fumble to grab at mine weakly, instantly sending me down to my knees again to face her.

"I'm not leaving, just getting out of the way.." I whispered, resisting the urge to smother her pained face with kisses in front of everyone, ".. I promise I'll be here, Sharp is on his way, too." She seemed to ease herself at my words. Madam Blainey sent another charm into the air when I was out of the way enough to bring several curtains and room dividers around them, shielding Y/N from view. The yelps and near screams she made as the two women were undressing her made my skin crawl as I walked to the cabinets near Blainey's desk and filled a tray with the requested potions.

Marcel was pestering me with non stop hisses and whispers of my name, begging for my attention until I could not stand it any longer. "Merlin's fucking bollocks, what do you want Rosier!? Can't you see I am busy with something far more important than you?"

"What happened? Flying accident? Is she.. alright?" Marcel shot off questions faster than I could process them. "That ginger chap is Professor Weasley's nephew, isn't he? Did he cause this? Why didn't you bring me any dessert last night?"

Hogwarts Legacy: The Dark Veins In TimeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin