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I was shocked and my heart raced being told my brother and tails are captive as well. "Dr. R wants to trade you and Knuckles for their safe return, but Amy and I aren't letting that happen. So we need a plan to get all them out safely and to keep you out of harms way." Shadow said. "But how?! Why does he want me?!" "Your speed to power up his inventions and take over the world" shadow said and I looked down remembering my parents getting mad at me for running with my speed and now understanding why. "Are you ok?" I looked up and shadow had concern in his eyes. "Just that..... this whole time my parents..... they were always so protective of me..... getting mad when I used my speed and just...." I looked down and I shadow sighed then pressed on the gas pedal.

Knuckles pov

I breathe heavily and wince in pain when I try to readjust myself in the chair. I know I'm black and blue with cuts. I spit again and saw red and a tooth. "Great...." I growled. "Don't worry you'll be fixed up." I look up the best I could and through the curtain of my red fur I see a purple cat approaching me. The thing is I recognize her. "Blaze it's been a while" I hissed remembering how she broke shadows heart and joined Dr. R's gang. "Don't look at me like that you done betrayed your friend silver." She said and picks up my tooth before healing up all my injuries. "I had to do what I was told to do that's what being a double agent is" I said. "Well true now then about silver he's really worried about his brother and just wants to make sure he is safe. So why don't you just tell me where he is and i can tell silver." She smiled and I knew what she was doing so I'm going to test her. "I don't think so" I said knowing she's impatient. I was right because she yank my fur back and put the barrel of a gun to the bottom of my chin. "IM NOT PLAYING GAMES WHERE IS HE?! TELL ME OR ELSE NOT ONLY WILL I KILL YOU I WILL KILL SILVER AND THAT FOX!" She yelled. "OK! Ok you win.... He's at the ski lodge in Teal River Gorge...... room 408..... he's safe and loves the buffet" I said and she smiled. "Good~" she lowers the gun. "Now how about you tell me where we're at? Ya know since I gave you his location. It's only fair." I said and she nods. "True but no I won't tell you." She said . "Ok but you'll keep your promise to only tell silver right?" I said. "Oh yes of course~" she said and leaves. I knew she was lying the way she said it. I smiled and pressed send on my invisible recorder to Amy of what I said so they could send agents there. I just wish I hadn't deactivated my location on it.

Silver's pov

I was pacing the cell worried sick about sonic at this point. I can believe knuckles would stab me in the back like this! After all my dad had done for him! Then again..... sonic still wasn't here and neither was knuckles. I did here vector tell espio about infinite's death by knuckles so.....had he tricked them and taken sonic somewhere safer? That had to be the case.... It just had to. "Hello agent snow." I looked up and saw Blaze who was just as stunning as ever. "What the fuck do you want?" I hissed at her. "Relax I came to give you news. Your buddy agent red has told us where sonic is at after much needed beatings~" she laughed. "He's safe..... until we go after him." She laughs evilly again. "What happened to agent red?" I asked. "He will be joining you and your fox friend soon~ for now I think Espio wants a little fun with him~" she flips her hair and walks off.

I could hear her and dr r laughing as the door shuts.

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