Magic show

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I walk back into the apartment I share with silver and my only friend tails. "So how was the therapy appointment?" "Good.... Just..... ummm he said I need to go and at least stand in front of a crowd to get comfortable....." I said. "That's good and it just so happens I got us tickets to see a magic show at our favorite dinner theater tonight" silver smiled. "Magic? Really silver? It's all an illusion?" Tails scoffed. "Well if they ask for a volunteer sonic can go up and assist with the illusion. It's about helping him get control of his shyness of crowds tails." Silver said and he sighed. "You're right you're right. What do you say sonic?" He smiled and I nervously nodded. "Awesome well let's get ready!" Silver said excitedly before going to his room. Tails pats my back once he walks up to me. "I got a feeling this night will turn out good for you. I don't know why but I have a feeling." He said and walks to his room.

"We're here!" Silver said as we pulled up to the restaurant. He lets me and tails out of the car so he could park. As we go to the ticket booth with our tickets some group of guys pushed passed us cutting the line. In the push tails lost his grip on the tickets and they flew off. "No!" He said and storms up to the group. "Tails wait!" I said but I was took late. "YOU MADE US LOSE OUR TICKETS BUY CUTTING IN LINE YOU JERKS!" He yelled and they turned around. It was a black and white jackal, a green hedgehog and a green crocodile and they glared at him. "Not our fault you have a sucky grip boy" the croc said then pushes tails down. "HEY!" I yelled then froze when their sights are on me. "What are you gonna do abou—" "ENOUGH!" They turn seeing a Purple chameleon walking up. "Get the tickets and go now" he growled and they do. "Tails are you ok?" I asked helping him up. "Yeah....." he replied. "Hey what happened?" Silver asked jogging up. We tell him and his ears fold. "Well shit... at least you're ok tails." "Yeah but I guess we have to go ho—" "Excuse me" Said a male voice. They turn and see a black and red hedgehog. "I saw what happens and frankly my friends flaked out on me so would you like my tickets? It's in the front row" he offered and held them out. "Are you sure?" Silver asked. "Yes I'm sure" he smiled and silver takes them. "Thank you how much?" "Not a cent enjoy" he waved and left. "What luck!" Silver smiled. I felt nervous but something told me that it was going to be ok. We went in and took our seats, order our food and drinks then just waited. As soon as our food and drinks got to the table the lights dimmed and a light purple light shines on the stage. Soon mist covered the stage and then he appeared. A echidna wearing a black mask and wore black head to toe yet his shirt was short sleeve with a v neck showing a bit of a crescent moon tattoo. Though he wore a mask his eyes.... Oh my god his eyes were the most stunning shade of purple. He welcomes us in a smooth seductive without trying not to deep voice with a little bit of Australian accent. We watched a few tricks and honestly he's really good. I was so engrossed into his performance I forgot to eat my food. Was it because of his performance or was it because how he moved, spoke and performed? I could sense Silver and Tails smiling at me because I was..... actually feeling like I was falling for him. Then came time for the last trick and he asked for a male volunteer. Silver and Tails smirked and pointed to me. He smiled and held his hand out to me. I was frozen and my heart was racing as close as he was. "It's ok if you're shy I just need your presence sir" he said in comforting way which oddly made me feel better. I took his hand and went on the stage. It was a simple trick he borrowed my ring and made it disappear before my eyes and it wasn't in his hands and since he wore short sleeves no where it could hide. Then he reached behind my ear and it appeared. The audience clapped and we both bowed before I went back to my table heart racing but I'll be honest the way he made me feel comfortable I forgot I stood in front of a whole crowd. I felt happy and would like to try it again. Silver and Tails pat me on the back as the echidna thank me and the rest before leaving in somewhat of a hurry. I was curious until I looked down then panic set in.

My ring was fucking missing!

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