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"Thief" I hissed and bolted to his dressing room. I never do this in front of people to get in places but this time I was. I used my secret speed and sped passed security and got to the dressing rooms just as he walked out without his mask. Fuck he's so stunning...wait no he stole my ring I'm not letting him get away with that! "HEY!" I said and his eyes widen seeing me before running out the back door. "GET BACK HERE!" I yelled and ran after him. Once I burst outside he was surrounded by the thugs from earlier. "Well well boys guess we found our little magician" the green hedgehog said. "Give us the ring or else!" The chameleon said and pulls out a gun. "Sorry but I'm not letting your boss take this ring." The echidna said and pulls out a gun himself. "What the fuck?" I wondered. The croc swung his tail suddenly at the echidna's feet and knocks him down dropping the gun. They all pulled out guns and point it at him. "Now give it to us!" The jackal growled. "GET AWAY FROM HIM!" I yelled and they looked at me just as I used my speed and knock out the guns from their hands. "What the?!" The echidna quickly grabbed his and shot at their shoulders before grabbing my arm. "Come with me if you want to live!" He yelled and yanked my arm making us run. He put his watch to his mouth as a beep noise was heard. "Agent Red reporting. Mission retrieval has been compromised and we now have a problem send the car now!" He said and I was confused. Suddenly he stops at the end of the alley just as a sports car pulled up. The door opens and it was the same black and red hedgehog from earlier. "WHAT IS HE DOI—" "THIS IS OUR PROBLEM!" The echidna yelled and the hedgehog growled pressing a button that turns the sports car into a SUV. The echidna tosses me into the back before jumping in the front. As the hedgehog speeds off the green hedgehog shoots at us but the car was bulletproof and we were out of his sight.
"DAMN IT THEY GOT AWAY!" He yelled as the rest of his gang stumbled up. "Yes but now we have a new plan" a male voice said and they turn seeing a floating screen with a dark figure in the center. "Dr. R....." the jackal said. "Once you four recover not only do I want you to retrieve that ring I want you to retrieve that hedgehog. I could use his speed for my next contraption~" he said and laughs evilly.

"What happened?!" The hedgehog yelled at the echidna. "I got the ring but this hedgehog here chased after me and I was ambushed by Dr. R's minions." The echidna huffed. "But.....he did save my life...." He said. "Well now that he's involved we must take him back to HQ." "CAN YOU PLEASE TELL ME WHATS GOING ON?!" I yelled and they look at me in the mirror. "What are you guys?! Spies?!" I demanded and what they said next shocked me completely.


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