Malik placed a chaste kiss on her shoulder, Iris stiffening from the affection before relaxing as he pulled away. "MG insisted." He told her before sighing. "I gotta go find Rina and delete the evidence."

Iris laughed. "Aw and here I thought we'd play it at your wedding."

Malik gave her a flat look before instinctively leaning forward and giving her a quick peck before leaving to hunt down his little sister. Iris was stunned for a moment, sure she had slightly gotten used to the affection of holding hands and hugs, but for him to kiss her, not once, but twice, well that was different.

Yeah, this fake relationship was no longer starting to feel fake anymore and Iris wasn't sure how to feel about it.

⨳ ⨳ ⨳

"You look so cute!" Rhea gushed over her son while standing beside Katerina who had Rina's phone in her hand. "Doesn't he Kat?"

Katerina, who's been teasing Malik relentlessly, nodded with a smile on her face. "Oh definitely. My little godson danced his heart out."

"Oh, bite vervain." Malik muttered while swatting her hands away when she attempted to ruffle his hair.

"Be nice Mal." Matthias said as he entered the room. "I think its cute that you asked her like that."

"I would've seriously just asked her normally, but MG was insistent that we do it this way." Malik grumbled while sitting down.

Katerina shared a look with her best friend before going to sit by Malik. "Are you sure you're not just acting grumpy because you know that MG's intentions were nice, and you don't want to ruin your Mikaelson image?"

Malik would never admit that hanging out with Rafael and MG was fun, well he would admit that. He wouldn't dare admit that despite the dancing and terrible choreography, he did have fun. He knew where MG was coming from, this was going to be one of the last times that they were all going to be together. Still, he would grumble and groan because he refused to admit that he had fun learning to dance with them.

"I think you've been ingesting too much vervain again Aunt Kat." Malik told her with a grin on his face. "I don't dance, I simply did this for MG to help him ask out Natalie."

Katerina's eyes widened. "Finally?" She asked with a small laugh. "It's about time."

"Agreed." Malik said while slouching in his seat.

They were currently waiting for Hope, Rina, and Natalie to finish getting dressed so they could all go to dinner together. Niklaus and Aurora had something they wanted to share and so that meant having a family dinner so they could announce it to the people they care about most.

Finally, after another five minutes, the three girls descended the stairs and Malik sighed in relief. "Finally, let's go!"

Hope rolled her eyes, "Looking good takes time."

Malik stared at her, then looked at his sister then Natalie. "I think you failed." He said with a grin.

Hope glared and flicked her wrist, causing Malik to roll out of his seat and onto the floor. "Bastard."

"No, that's our fathers." Rina corrected, "Oh and Marcel."

Matthias couldn't help but laugh loudly while Niklaus looked offended as he walked into the room. Usually, Matthias would be offended had it been anyone else, but it was Rina, and he adored his daughter and knew that she didn't care that he was a bastard child, nor did she care that Marcel was one technically as well. It was all good fun, plus that was his past, a past that no longer bothered him.

"First off, rude." Niklaus said with a small smile of his own. "Secondly, let's go now. Marcel, Bonnie, Finn, and Victoria are already there. Kai is waiting in the car with Aurora, Kol and Nadia are making a pitstop for me and Hayley, Declan, and Cameron are on the way there now."

With that, the family all climbed into the designated cars before heading off.

When the arrived at the restaurant, Kol and Nadia were just arriving along with Hayley, Declan, and Cameron. They all greeted one another before heading inside to meet with everyone else.

The atmosphere around the Mikaelson family was one of bliss, one that radiated happiness, and the other patrons could see that they were a tight nit and happy family. From the way they all wore smiles and laughed with one another. For the Mikaelson's, every moment was precious to one another, and a moment like this, a moment like this was always ethereal.

"So, now that we've ordered our food and had a few drinks." Nik spoke up after a few moments of their laugher calming. "Aurora and I do want to make an announcement."

Everyone had given the couple their complete attention as Aurora cleared her throat nervously. "So, after talking about it, Niklaus and I want to adopt." She shook her head. "Well, we plan on adopting."

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