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chapter twenty-seven.

Malik and Rina were being put through the ringer.

Malik didn't know how many people he had killed just to finally reach the center of the labyrinth, there was a fountain in the center, but it wasn't a normal fountain because instead of water, it was giving pouring out blood.

"What is this?" He wondered while approaching the fountain.

He reached his hand in to touch the liquid and jumped at how warm it was as if it truly was blood but why would there be a fountain of blood here? Malik didn't understand what was going on, he truly didn't understand at all but then he heard it, the sound of panting that had him spinning around to see his little sister.

Just like he was, she too was covered in blood.

The two had been put through the same challenge, the same obstacles in order for them to find one another.

Malik let out a sigh of relief and ran towards her, Rina squeaked when his body collided into her own and he held her tightly. "Thank god."

"We're atheist." Rina joked and Malik cracked a smile.

"I hate you." He laughed while pulling away but keeping her close still.

"We're twins." She grinned at him. "You'd be hating yourself."

He shook his head, happy that she was able to crack jokes like this at least. "Do you know what to do now?" He asked her.

Rina's happy mood deflated ever so slightly as she was reminded of what was happening. "I don't." She told him with a shake of her head. "Is that blood?"

"Yeah, it was here when I got here." He told her while the two walked over to the fountain together.

Rina looked at the blood and felt her throat clench, something that hadn't happened with Malik. Her hand flew up to her throat as she backed away and Malik frowned in confusion as she rushed to her air.

"Rina, Rina what's happening?" He asked her with nothing but panic in his tone.

"The smell." She told him and he frowned. "It's making me thirsty, no, hungry."

Malik looked at the blood then back at her, "What?"

She shook her head as tears were now threatening to fall. "I don't know."

"It's all a part of the game." A new voice called out and the two turned to see an unfamiliar man.

"Who are you?" Malik glared at him while standing in front of Rina protectively.

The man smiled as he approached them, "The names Henrik." Malik and Rina's eyes widened at this. "Yes that Henrik and you two must be my adorable niece and nephew."

"How is this possible?" Malik asked him.

Henrik sat at the edge of the fountain and shrugged. "I met with Matthias once, made him believe who he had met was fate, but it was really me."

"Wait, what?" Rina questioned while backing away with Malik still in front of her. "What are you talking about?"

"It's complicated." He waved it off, the details weren't important right now. "All you need to know is that right now, Hope is about to complete her transition."

"WHAT!?" The two shouted simultaneously.

Henrik grinned. "Shall I show you?"

Instantly the two were shown what was happening back at home, the things that they had been missing since being trapped where Alistair was keeping them.

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