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chapter eleven.

When the student returned victorious, all loud and cheerful for once after a game with the Mystic Falls teens, they felt like for once things were finally turning around for them. However, when they were called to gather for a school meeting, they couldn't help but notice the tension in the air.

Hope, Malik, Rina, and Natalie all stood to the right of the podium, opposite of the teachers that were there. If you counted Emma and Dorian as teachers that is. Aurora and Rhea stood behind the four kids with their hands on their shoulders, it was more for keeping them in place rather than support and they knew it.

Niklaus and Matthias stood at the podium, Niklaus a little more behind Matthias as he wanted his brother to handle the talking for now. He would step in when needed, it was just how they always were.

Josie was the first to break the silence. "Where's our dad?"

The students all looked around as well, sure enough, Alaric Saltzman was nowhere to be seen. This confused them and also concerned them greatly, they had never been called without him.

"Did something happen to him?" Lizzie asked worriedly while grabbing hold of her sisters hand.

"Something like that." Matthias spoke up before clearing his throat. "Alaric Saltzman has been fired from his post as headmaster starting now, he is never allowed to step foot on any property of schooling meant for supernatural children."

"What!?" Josie and Lizzie shouted along with other students.

"Silence!" Niklaus roared, his eyes glowing prompting everyone to sit back down and cower in fear of him. "We aren't done."

Matthias chuckled at his brother before looking back to the students. "Does anyone know what this is?" Matthias held up the ascendant in his hand causing Lizzie and Josie to pale.

"That's an ascendant." Alyssa Chang spoke up. "Something created by the Gemini Coven."

"Correct." Matthias smiled at her. "Alaric has been found conspiring behind The Council's back and going against the very contract we all signed to keep the peace between factions. He's been sending students here, with the help of non-other than miss Emma Tig here, who is also being relieved of her duties as a guidance counselor and is no longer allowed to be around any student of the supernatural, The Council is watching you."

Emma nearly fell to her knees at this being revealed, Alaric had told her it was for the best, that no one would ever find out. She didn't dare to meet the eyes of the students before her, nor even Dorian's gaze as she was sure they would all be betrayed by her. Quickly, she rushed away from the scene and to her room where she would prepare to pack her things and go.

"We plan on releasing the students inside with due time, while that is being planned out, a new headmaster is on his way here for you guys along with new teachers to help the workload on Dorian's shoulders. When that headmaster and teachers arrive within the next few days, my family and those transferring will be leaving with us. I know this is all sudden and a lot to take in, but we believe you should all know what's going on and now you do. Should you have any concerns, Dorian is acting headmaster until Professor Rupert Vardemus arrives and we will be teaching until then. Thank you, please go get some sleep."

With that, there was nothing more that needed to be said, nothing more that could be said. Alaric and Emma were being outcasted and were now being watched by The Council, if they proved to be a problem in the long run, everyone knew that they would be dealt with accordingly.

"Are you sure?" Dorian asked Matthias. "About Emma? About making me acting headmaster?"

"Yes." Niklaus told him. "Dorian you love doing research, you love discovering things and we would have suggested that you take over as Headmaster, but I don't think that would have made you happy."

Dorian was shocked for a moment, not only because Niklaus Mikaelson was being nice to him but because he was right. Dorian wouldn't be able to handle the desk job, he never wanted one but when Alaric couldn't find good teachers, staying in the school seemed like the better option.

"And about Emma?" Dorian asked softly.

"Alaric can't open the ascendant without the blood of a Bennett witch, there is only one we know of, but Bonnie said that she had given Alaric blood a long time ago as a one last favor and since they haven't been in contact. You need a member of the Gemini Coven to activate the ascendant and if he wasn't using the Twins then it meant he had access to their blood without them knowing and he would need a witch. According to the logs recording the entry to the school, Emma Tig is the only knowledgeable witch here, of course you have those watching over the younglings but they're young and wouldn't even know how to work the ascendant." Rhea explained to him. "Since Kai is a heretic now, he is no longer the Gemini Coven leader and since the twins are both siphons, there will never be a merge between them."

"What's a merge?" At the sound of Josie's voice, they all turned to see the Saltzman twins standing there with tear-stained faces. "Sorry, we weren't trying to eavesdrop, but my dad left a note and we're just still confused."

"A merge is something that Alaric and Caroline were supposed to explain to you." Rhea told them. "Have they never mentioned it?" The two girls shook their heads and Rhea sighed. "This isn't something to talk about tonight, we can talk about it tomorrow."

The two girls wanted to argue, they didn't want to be in the dark anymore but at the look that Hope sent them, they bit their tongue.

"You should head to bed." Aurora spoke up with a small smile on her face. "Tomorrow will hopefully be a better day."

"We should all go to sleep." Matthias spoke up and looked at the kids. "All of you, off to bed."

The four Mikaelson children did as they were told and nodded, they all left the adults alone and headed to their shared room. They knew that tomorrow definitely was not going to be a better day.

the merge talk is coming next chapter, along with secrets being revealed, who's ready?

we have four more chapters for part one then we're onto part two with more drama, problems and just overrall a rollercoaster that I'm ready to send y'all on!

also yes, Triad exists but for a different purpose and there is no Malivore because just no. so Landon is indeed just a human in my story and I don't think I'm going to be bringing in Clarke but let me know if you want me to bring him in!

also, just so that everyone is aware, I did change Malik and Rina's ages, reasoning being is because I realize that I never really said when they were born. I never gave them a birthday, i don't think.

so officially, Malik and Rina's birthday is on Halloween so rn they're currently 15 instead of 16 as previously stated. Natalie's birthday is February 14th making her 16 ahead of the twins. I changed Hope's birthday, so she was born on New Year's Eve (idk what anyone says, it's fitting).

till next time,
- m a r i e

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