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chapter thirty-one.

Bonnie and Marcel had gone through many vampires, they were panting as they stood back-to-back in a room surrounded by what seemed to be an endless amount.

"They just don't quit do they?" Bonnie laughed while moving the hair away from her face.

Marcel chuckled and shook his head. "Of course, they don't."

"Well, that's just more practice for us." Bonnie smiled breathlessly before the veins under her eyes appeared. "Shall we?"

"Oh, we shall." Marcel grinned back at her before they attacked the vampires once more.

Marcel grabs a man by the back of his neck and slams him to the floor, there was a sickening snap and Marcel tossed the mans body at the approaching vampires. Bonnie had jumped at vampire, wrapping her legs around his neck before twisting her body and snapping his neck in the process, prompting his body to fall to the ground which allowed her to roll away towards another vampire.

Together, Marcel and Bonnie were fighting in sync, almost as if they had done this a million times now.

When the room was finally cleared, the two were panting when they heard Kai's voice in their head all of a sudden. Which meant, he either found the kids or knew something.

'Kat and I found the kids.' He said with relief. 'Hope's covered in blood but they're all okay.'

'Thank god.' Bonnie replied back while sharing a relived look with Marcel. 'Where are you?'

'We're-' Kai's connection was cut off suddenly and Bonnie frowned.

'Kai?' She called out to him before reaching out for Matthias. 'Matthias, did you get that?'

'I did.' Matthias responded to her. 'Follow his magical signature and we'll meet there.'

With that the connection was cut off and they were running to where they could faintly feel Kai's magic.

⨳ ⨳ ⨳

Nadia had gotten split from Finn and Veronica, not that she had planned it but when the two simply vanished during a fight, she figured they were looking for something in particular.

She had fought several people already but hadn't been able to find any more, she used her enhanced hearing to hear for anything and smiled softly when she heard her mother's voice a bit aways.

She was headed in the direction when suddenly someone grabbed her by the back of the neck and slammed her head into the wall. She cried out in pain and felt something stab into her side before she was tossed down to the ground.

She looked up to see a blonde man with a grin on his face. "Well, you'll come in handy." He said before motioning for the man with him to grab her.

Nadia's hands were kept behind her back as she was forced to go with them, they had secured vervain ropes around her wrists, and she hissed at the burning feeling. She tried to fight their hold but the vervain and the stake in her side were messing with her physical strength right now.

"Nadia!" She looked up to see her mother and the kids, she was filled with relief to see they were okay.

Alistair stood and dusted himself off, before walking over to Nadia and taking hold of her. Nadia thrashed in his hold, but it was no good, since she had been stabbed, bound with vervain ropes, and the blood loss were making her weaker than usual.

"Now, hand over the kids, or I kill her." Alistair said, knowing full well who Nadia was to Katerina.

"Mother, don't!" Nadia shouted while shaking her head before Alistair had covered her mouth.

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