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chapter six.

Malik didn't know how he had let Rina talk him into coming tonight, but he had caved when she gave him her infamous puppy eyes that he could never say no to.

Thus, that led to their parents bidding them farewell with the promise to have some of their things sent over so that they had clothes and could still do their own schoolwork as well. However, he was starting to regret that when Lizzie and Hope were at one another's throat near the beer keg.

"You don't even go here." Lizzie shot at the girl, obviously drunk or at least tipsy.

Hope scoffed and ran a hand through her hair. "I don't and yet I was still invited." Hope took a dangerous step closer to Lizzie and whispered into her ear. "By Raf."

Lizzie looked so enraged, and Hope couldn't help but smirk at the obvious anger on her face. "I hate you." She spat at the tribrid, but Hope was unfazed.

"I'll add you to the list." She told the witch flatly before taking her cup and walking away.

Lizzie was about to go after her, but Natalie blocked her path. "I think you're done for the night Lizzie."

"Don't talk to me you mutt." Lizzie spat at the girl before Josie rushed over.

"Lizzie!" Josie scolded while sending Natalie an apologetic glance. "I'm sorry about her Nat."

Natalie was only glaring at Lizzie, "You should learn to handle your liquor Lizzie, you're ruining the party."

That was when Lizzie realized just how many people were staring at her and she felt mortified. Any liquid courage that she had was gone and she let Josie pull her away from the party all together and back to their dorm room.

"So, what's the beef with the Saltzman twins?"

Hope turned around and spotted Rafael who was now next to her. "It's another long story."

Rafael looked around before shrugging. "I got time."

Hope laughed and the two walked over to a log, from a distance, Josie was now back and staring at the two with a sour look on her face. Malik noticed this but decided not to comment on it, it was well known that Lizzie Saltzman always went for the fresh meat simply because they didn't know about her and her battles with her mental health.

"Mal, come on!" Natalie laughed as she ran up to the boy, it was evident that she now was a bit tipsy herself.

Malik let her grab his hands and drag him to the dance floor, he laughed as she and Rina started jumping to the upbeat song that was playing. He decided that he would let loose for once, he would relax and not be so stiff.

"And that's the story on the Saltzman twins and Natalie." Hope finished her story.

Rafael took a moment to soak up the information that was given to him. He agreed that Kai seemed like a bit of a dick, that Bonnie messed up, and that they all faced the consequences of their actions equally. Did it suck that Josie and Lizzie lost their mom? Yes it did, but Kai acted out of anger and wanted revenge, so he got it in the best way he knew how, doesn't mean that it was right.

"I understand both viewpoints." Rafael told her. "I won't make an assumption about Kai or the girls since I don't really know them but yeah."

Hope hummed, "That's a first but here, you'll learn about my family and how they're evil because of their choices in life. I do hope you like it here, should you ever want a change in scenery you should visit."

"I wish you went to school here." Rafael told her.

Hope smiled at him, "I think in another life I would've but honestly New Orleans is my home, and I can never leave it."

"Landon is my brother and we've always been together, where he goes I go." Rafael told her honestly. "I don't think I would've made it this far without him."

Hope winced at that, "Then you're going to hate that Alaric is probably going to make him leave tomorrow." Rafael's heart sunk at that. "Vampires have this ability called compulsion and Alaric will probably have Landon's memories of this place removed and send him back home to protect the others."

"I'll go with him then." Rafael told her.

"Rafael, you need to be somewhere so that when you shift, you don't lose control." Hope told him softly. "Being out on the road with Landon would put him in danger during that time."

"Can we go to New Orleans then?" Rafael asked her. "I won't leave Landon behind, I can't do that to him when he was there for me."

Hope thought about it and shrugged, "I don't see why not. We have a handful of humans at our school, and we have rules so I don't see why he couldn't join. I can talk to my dad about it in the morning." She told him.

Rafael gave her a thankful look before standing to his feet, "Walk around with me?"

Hope looked to where her cousins were laughing and having fun before looking back at him and nodding her head. "Sure." She took his outstretched hand and let him pull her up.

Natalie departed from the twins and made her way to get a drink, she nearly fell on her ass when someone bumped into her, but a pair of hands grabbed her waist and pulled her close to them. Natalie gasped at the foreign feeling and looked at the culprit, she recognized him to be the boy that had been in love with Lizzie.

"Thank you." Natalie breathed while taking a step away from him.

MG also known as Milton Greasley smiled at her. "No problem."

"How have you been MG?" Natalie asked him with a smile. "I didn't get to talk to you much since Hope was evaluating you all."

MG hummed in agreement and sipped his beer. "I've been good, struggling a bit but overall good."

"Control is all about the mind, I think." She told him before giggling. "My mom teaches survival 101 for vampires and while she encourages them to drink from blood bags, she understands that sometimes instincts speak louder than logic thus comes the snatch eat and erase aspect of being a vampire."

MG knew that she was tipsy, he could smell the alcohol on her practically, but she was cute. While Natalie judged his taste in women, she didn't comment on it since she knew that MG wasn't even in Lizzie's radar.

"I'm still fairly new to this honestly." He admitted to her with a shrug. "Are you part vampire like the others too?"

Natalie shook her head, "Oh no." She laughed softly. "I'm just a witch." She partially lied to him.

Telling people that she was also a werewolf always led to the same questions that she'd heard before and she didn't exactly give out that information to the Salvatore students, only the students of New Orleans knew about her.

"Oh, that's cool." MG told her honestly. "How long are you and your cousins staying here?" He asked her.

"Until Vincent is done with his evals so maybe a week or two." She told him with a shrug. "We're mainly here to watch over the vampires though and maybe take some others with us, we'll see really."

MG didn't know what to tell the girl after that, he also didn't know how to continue the conversation. He knew how she and her cousin's felt, that everyone at the school hated them and while they weren't wrong, not everyone hated them. He being one of the few that didn't dislike or hate them, he genuinely was just confused about the hatred between the two schools.

"Anyways, I'm off to the kitchen to find food, would you like to come?" Natalie asked him with a small smile.

"Sure." MG smiled back and the two fell in step together towards the school.

Malik and Rina shared a look before shrugging and heading back to their room for the night. They weren't ones to interact with the other students and Hope was off with Rafael, someone her age, and Natalie had abandoned them for food. So, it was safe to say that their night was over, and they were fine with that.

"Do you think Hope likes that Raf kid?" Rina asked her brother.

Malik shrugged his shoulder. "I don't know but they would make a nice pair."

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