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chapter twenty-six.

Natalie sat beside Marcel uncomfortably.

She didn't know Marcel all that well, he was a busy man running the streets of New Orleans alongside Bonnie so whenever he came over, they never got a chance to truly talk to one another alone.

They were already nearly done with their drive, thanks to Marcel breaking several laws in order to reach Mystic Falls quickly, but the silence was killing her, she couldn't take it anymore.

"Hey, not that I'm not grateful that you're here, but why did you choose to come with me?" Natalie asked Marcel softly.

Marcel glanced at her briefly before looking back to the road. "Well, your parents felt better with me coming rather than just MG."

Natalie turned her head to look at the sleeping MG in the backseat. "MG and I would've been fine."

"You don't know that." Marcel told her simply. "Anything could happen."

Natalie bit her tongue, she knew that he was referring to Malik and Rina and how the two had gone missing. Hayley hadn't told her and Hope everything and the two knew that, still they had hoped to learn something by now.

The two were pulled from their thoughts at the sound of MG waking, he stretched before offering a smile to Natalie who was staring at him. "Are we almost there?"

"About 25 minutes away." Marcel told him.

"I can't believe we get to meet Elena Gilbert." MG said excitedly.

Elena Gilbert was known as the only living doppelganger, should her daughter have kids then it'll continue and there will be another doppelganger eventually as the bloodline continues. She was notorious in the school, she tricked Niklaus Mikaelson into believing that she was dead for three months, the girl that made her brother kill Kol Mikaelson, was a part of the death of Finn Mikaelson, but most of all, she had been there when they all nearly died from Hell.

"She's really not all that great." Marcel told him with a shrug. "Then again, I'm bias seeing as my dad dated her and she cheated on him."

MG's eyes widened and he nodded his head. "So, Hope needs her blood to complete her transition but not to make hybrids?"

Natalie nodded her head. "It's a weird loophole. Their fathers were cursed and needed Elena's blood to break it and create more hybrids. They aren't sure why they wouldn't need Elena's blood to make more hybrids, but we're assuming it's because they weren't cursed like their parents. I think they can still procreate, but it would have to be with a wolf we think."

"Is that why Jed is interested in Rina?" MG asked prompting Marcel and Rina to nearly choke on their saliva. "There was a rumor talking about Jed going to ask out Rina along with Alyssa Chang making her move to ask Malik out."

Natalie couldn't stop the laugh that left her lips causing Marcel and MG to send her an odd look. "Sorry." She apologized while halting her laughter. "Malik and Rina aren't all that interested in dating. I doubt that Jed or Alyssa could've gotten their attention."

"What about you?" Marcel wondered.

"What?" Natalie asked with wide eyes.

Marcel grinned at her, "Are you interested in dating?" Marcel didn't miss how Natalie's eyes went in MG's direction before she quickly looked away. There was faint blush that coated her cheeks, and he couldn't help but chuckle. "I'm just saying, just because they don't want to date, doesn't mean you can't."

"Why would anyone want to date me?" Natalie asked him honestly. "I mean you know what I am."

MG was confused, what did that mean? He wanted to question it but couldn't bring himself to do so at the sad look on her face. He hated it. He wanted to see her smiling and laughing again, not sad.

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