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chapter five.

"You have to understand, if we lost a good majority of students then we would struggle to remain open."

Rhea looked at Alaric as if he had grown two heads. "So, you denied their transfers to save your own ass? Tell me that you're joking." When Alaric didn't speak, Rhea was at a loss for words.

"I think we've got everything that we need." Aurora spoke. "Alaric it is obvious that you cannot lead these students, you lack the teachers to teach them what they need to know, so I think we need to step in."

Alaric didn't like that, he didn't like hearing someone tell him that he wasn't doing a good job when he was doing the best he could with what he was given. He didn't trust anyone to teach these kids but those he hired, which was honestly a small amount, but still, he trusted them more than he would ever trust the Mikaelson's.

"Step in?" Alaric glared. "What gives you the right to come here and try to tell me how to do my job?!" He snapped at her.

Niklaus moved so he was now standing in front of his wife protectively. "Watch it mate." He warned the human.

"Alaric, you forget yourself." Matthias spoke and Alaric stilled at the sound of his voice. "Vincent sent us because we are the founders of our school, Caroline is the founder of this school, so you truly have no authority here since she's the one meant to be sitting behind your desk."

Alaric's jaw clenched, "Caroline isn't here right now so I'm in charge here and you have no power here."

Matthias smirked and Alaric knew that he was playing with fire when his eyes flashed at him. "Don't we? You forget that a lot of your funding comes from us, from the Mikaelson foundation to be exact and the only reason for that is because Caroline is a dear friend to Bonnie, but if we truly have no power then what if we cut off our funding?"

Alaric paled at this, without their extra help, they wouldn't be able to pay the teachers a good amount enough to stay, they wouldn't be able to do half the things that they're able to do now. There was no way they could even ask for government funding either because the two schools were already under enough surveillance so him asking would give them more than enough reason to shut the place down.

However, Matthias wasn't truly that cruel, but Alaric didn't know that.

"Regardless of that, let me remind you that Vincent has more than enough power and we've already sent our findings." Matthias told the man. "I'm sure he's going to get a hold of Caroline and we'll see how much power you'll have since apparently its done nothing but go to your head."

"Since we're done here, the four of us will return first but we're leaving our own kids here to watch over our new vampires as well with meet with the few that wanted to transfer." Rhea told him while gathering everything they were all looking over. "Till next time Alaric."

With that, the four exited the office, leaving behind a stressed looking Alaric as he sat down and let his head fall into his hands. "God, what am I doing?"

Aurora was the first to spot Malik and Natalie, the two were standing in front of a bulletin board and talking amongst each other. "Mal, Nat!" She called out to the two.

Their eyes lit up at the sight of them and rushed over, "Did you guys finish? Can we go home?" At the sight of them wincing, Malik knew they weren't going home anytime soon. "I take that as a no."

"Vincent should call sometime tomorrow but until then, you four are going to be staying here to look after our new transfers." Matthias told them and the two kids let out groans. "Stop that."

"We have to stay here?" Natalie asked her uncle. "With them?"

Niklaus chuckled and moved to wrap an arm around his niece. "You'll live, little witch." Natalie felt her heart warm at the familiar nickname. "We're heading back now, you're free to come tonight but starting tomorrow you'll have to stay here until Vincent finishes with his evaluation and such."

"Fine." Malik agreed knowing better than to argue. "I'll text Hope, she's with Rina."

Meanwhile, Hope and Rina were indeed together but they weren't alone. At some point, they had allowed Landon and Rafael to drag them away from the table they resided at and out into the fields of the school.

"Hope, your phone." Rina spoke up from her spot near the pond.

Hope dug out her phone and noticed the text from Malik, her eyes scanned over it, and she let out a sigh. "Dad says that we'll be staying here for the time being until Vince is done with his evals. They're all heading home, we can either stay or go but starting tomorrow we'll have to stay here to keep an eye on the vamps and apparently hold more meetings with some people."

Rina was about to voice that she wanted to go home when Rafael spoke up. "You guys should stay, I heard there's a party tonight at the falls."

Hope and Rina shared a look, they knew that the four of them weren't liked at the school let alone welcomed. Them arriving at the party tonight could go one of two ways, they could be ignored, and the night go well, or they could get ambushed by the students resulting in many people being hurt, none of which would be them.

"I don't know." Hope spoke with a frown. "I don't think we're going to be welcomed much."

"It'll be fine." Rafael assured them though the two girls still weren't sure about it.

"Maybe." Rina answered them. "If Malik and Natalie go then we'll see you two there." She told them before standing to her feet. "We should go see our parents before they leave." Rina told her cousin and Hope nodded her head in agreement. "See you."

The two girls linked arms and rushed away, leaving both Landon and Rafael to watch their retreating figures. The two boys had to admit that they were interesting, they couldn't deny that the two Mikaelson girls had caught their attention, but they also knew that it was something that wasn't going to last as they would soon be leaving the school and there was no telling when they would be seen again.

[3] Bloodline • Legacies ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora