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@numinousx forgive me

chapter twenty-four.

Finn and Veronica arrived at the building and weren't surprised to see vampires waiting for them.

"Shall we spill a little blood, my love?" Veronica asked Finn with a smile on her face.

Finn always loved when she was smiling, she was ethereal to him, and she never failed to make him fall for her as each day passed. He hummed and watched as Veronica unsheathed the katana that she planned to give to Malik and easily beheaded the vampires that blocked their path.

Even covered in blood, she was beautiful.

God, he was so in love.

"My love?" Veronica giggled while approaching him and Finn shook away his dazed thoughts. "Are you alright?"

"Always." He promised before meeting her halfway and kissing the side of her head. "Now, let's find our niece and nephew."

The two then ran forward as the doors opened and out came a flood of vampires. Finn was ripping out hearts, decapitating vampires with ease, and he wasn't even fazed with the blood that was soaking his clothes. The same was said for Veronica, though she was using the katana as if she had known how to use it her whole life.

"Enough." A voice demanded and the couple stood side by side covered in blood. "Finn, what a surprise."

Finn stared at the woman that Veronica had cried for, the woman that she had grieved over, and she didn't look even a little bit afraid. That's what truly annoyed him, she was filled with nothing but confidence and that didn't sit right with him.

Viviane stood at the top of the building, she didn't look like the little girl that Veronica remembered. She was no longer the little girl that braided her hair and put flowers in it, no longer did she yell for Veronica with a large grin on her face, no longer did she join Veronica in the fields for flower picking, now she was someone else and someone Veronica didn't recognize.

"Viviane." Veronica whispered her name ever so softly and Viviane met her gaze. "You're truly alive."

"Am I supposed to be dead?" Viviane scoffed.

"I went back for you." Veronica told her and Viviane felt her blood run cold. "I went back to check on you and Ana, they said you both had died by fire, and I was so heartbroken that I shut it off."


That wasn't right.

Viviane's intel had told her that Veronica never went back home, the woman simply lived her life without ever looking back. That was why Viviane was so angry with her, so confident that something was wrong with her because that wasn't the Veronica that she knew. But if that intel was wrong... would this all be for nothing? Had she been led astray? Was Alistair lying to her.

"She's lying." Alistair spoke up from behind Viviane and just like that, she was sucked back into his manipulation. "My intel is never wrong."

"You're a liar!" Veronica shouted at him, the veins appearing under her eyes. "Viviane, why are you doing this?"

"Because this isn't you." Viviane told her and Veronica frowned. "You never wanted to love, never planned to marry, and yet here you are, getting married to Finn Mikaelson! The man that killed you!"

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