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chapter twenty-two.

"So how do you know our Aunt Veronica?"

Viviane stopped what she was doing and looked at the two twins that were chained up. "What?"

"While you weakened our ability to heal, we can still hear." Malik told her matter-of-factually. "You were calling out her name in your sleep, or we assume it was your sleep."

Viviane cursed herself for not putting up the silencing spell on her room but shrugged the thought away. There shouldn't be any harm in telling them about her past with Veronica since they would never see the woman again once she got her to return to the kingdom to rule. Which she knew was a dumb idea since Veronica Bellisario died many years ago, faked her death which allowed her cousin to take the throne, but Viviane wanted Veronica to rule.

The kingdom was in ruins, on the brink of being destroyed due to the lineage of rulers that have taken over since her death. The Veronica she knew would never had allowed such a thing to happen, the Veronica she knew would never be planning a wedding with the man that had killed her, something wasn't right, and she would save Veronica from Finn Mikaelson's clutches.

"It all started so many centuries ago." Viviane started after spelling the room so that Alistair wouldn't hear her. "You may not know this, but Veronica was a princess."

"Lady Veronica." Viviane called out to the woman walking the length of the hallway. "Your presence is requested in the throne room to greet the guests."

Veronica smiled at Viviane, but the girl noticed how it didn't reach her eyes. "Thank you, I'll head over there now."

Viviane followed behind Veronica, the two reached the throne room and Viviane stood to the side beside her mother. Veronica climbed up the three steps that lead to the seats and took the seat beside her father, her mother had passed during childbirth, so it was just her and her father.

"Welcome my daughter." Her father greeted her, and Veronica gave him a warm smile. "I know I haven't explained it to you, but it will all make sense when you meet them."

Viviane was too young to understand but when the throne room doors opened and in walked a family, her eyes widened. They were beautiful, almost too beautiful to be real.

"My friends, thank you for coming." The King greeted them with a smile. "This is my daughter, Princess Veronica."

Veronica bowed her head in greeting. "Welcome to our home, I hope you enjoy your stay here."

"Please introduce yourselves." The King gestured.

A man stepped forward, his curly dirty blond hair was long, and it passed his shoulders ever so slightly. He had bright blue eyes that had a hint of green in them, but there was a mischievous smirk on his face as he bowed before the King and Princess.

"I am Niklaus Mikaelson," He started. "these are my siblings, the oldest Finn, the second Elijah, then Matthias, Kol, and Rebekah." He motioned to each of them and all bowed.

Viviane could see the striking resemblance between him and Matthias, the two had to be twins.

"So that makes Finn the current Duke of the Mikaelson's?" Veronica asked him curiously.

"Yes." Finn spoke up while stepping forward. "I am the Duke."

In reality, no one knew that it was truly Niklaus that was handling all the affairs.

"I see, how does that fair?" She genuinely wondered. "I know becoming Duke suddenly and having your own area to reign over must not be easy."

Finn didn't know what he should tell her, he could lie and say it was easy but quite honestly, not even Niklaus knew what he was doing half the time. "It's indeed more than what I believed." He told her honestly. "But I believe with my siblings at my side, I will be okay."

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