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alright, so Malik isn't present in this chapter so we just have our Mikaelson girls.
while i do describe their outfits, I'm terrible with dress descriptions so in case you can't envision what the girls are wearing, their outfits are above!
from left to right; Rina, Hope, Natalie.

chapter sixteen.

Malik had yet to wake up while Roman had woken up two hours later, Niklaus healed him, relayed Rina's message, and with that Roman had left with the promise to return only when the Mikaelson's were gone.

Matthias had taken Malik into his and Rhea's room, forbidding Rina from entering the room because they knew that once she was in, she wouldn't leave his side. This had happened once before when they were still training to control their wolves, Malik had gotten into a fight and was so upset with himself that he had locked himself in his mind for weeks.

This was different though, Malik wasn't locked, he was simply sleeping, and Rina didn't understand why he hadn't woken up or why she couldn't feel him still through their bond.

"Riri, you have to come." Hope spoke softly while approaching her. "Malik wouldn't want you to stay by him like this and worry. You know he'll wake up when he's ready."

Hope was dressed and ready to go, she was the only one out of the three girls to be wearing black, something about Rebekah wanting them all to match and they would understand once everyone was dressed.

Hope was in a black dress that hugged her features nicely, Rina had complimented that she was going to turn everyone's head the minute they arrived. The sleeves annoyed Hope a bit due to the sheer material, but she could deal with it just fine. Her hair was done in curls that fell down her back, Natalie had done her makeup and kept it light, she paired it off with matching black heels.

"I don't want to go." Rina told her cousin seriously. "I don't enjoy those things anyway. You and Natalie will have fun without me there."

"We don't want to go without you." Natalie's voice entered the room and Rina sighed when she spotted her.

Natalie was dressed in a red spaghetti strap mini dress, Rebekah knew that Natalie didn't like long dresses, in fact the hybrid detested them greatly. So, Rebekah made sure to choose something that Natalie would in fact love. She paired it with matching red heels, her hair was left straight, and she had given herself a simple wing eyed look.

"We all promised to go together when we were told that we'd be stuck here." Hope reminded her with a pointed look. "You and Malik gave your word."

Rina sighed and stood to her feet. "Fine, help me get ready then."

With smiles of triumph, the two girls helped Rina into the red dress that Rebekah had chosen for her. The smooth material felt nice against her warm skin as it hugged her as much as Hope and Nat's dress hugged them. The dress had long sleeves that were puffed out so as not to stick to her skin thankfully.

Hope had left her hair alone, stating that the already present curls were enough while Natalie did a light makeup look knowing that Rina has never cared for makeup.

Hope and Natalie left Rina to finish putting on her heels and Rina did her best to ignore the pit in her stomach. Rina walked downstairs and smiled softly when she spotted Hope and Natalie talking to MG and Rafael, it appeared the two had dates technically.

There was a bitter feeling in her stomach, but she was happy that they were expanding their social group away from her and her brother, something she and Malik didn't have the luxury of ever doing. It was their choice in that matter, Malik and Rina didn't care for anyone that wasn't their family.

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