Chapter 23

877 41 3

Beyoncé pov
Miami, Florida
January 14th
3 pm

"Okay Ms. Knowles, this should be everything we need in order to finalize all your paperwork. I hope you enjoy the new houses and building space."

I shook my realtors hand as she collected her things and left the conference room.

I took out my phone to quickly text my security back in the Bahamas before I collected my things to leave as well.

I had to fly out here to finish some home and club related business before I decided to bring everyone back to the states.

I knew it was only a matter of time before everyone started to get tired of being there. Even though I know they don't usually get a chance to say they enjoyed being out of the country.

Even Nicki was ready to come back. At first I thought it was a bad idea considering there's a price on her capture, but I also didn't want her to be depressed.

I wrestled with the idea of moving her to a whole other state like California, but she insisted that we go back to Texas.

I even considered Florida, but she wasn't satisfied until Texas was the final decision.

I quickly made it back to the condo I was staying in for the night grabbing my things.

I had no choice but to leave Nic with the rest of my family since I wasn't goin to be around her the whole time I was here on business, and it killed me that I wasn't there taking care of her.

She assured me she would be okay without me for a couple of days, but I was almost sure I was the one who was in fact not okay.

I flew out to my meeting early this morning and skipped breakfast and lunch in order to get through them quickly so I could get back to her.

Sure I told all my security to stay there, even Julie's, but I still wanted to be there myself.

Just as I was getting into my rental car, Nicki's name flashed across my phone.

"Hello" I answered stopping in my tracks.

If she said anything that would cause me to panic I was going to rushing to her aid.

"Heyyyy beyyyy beyyy" she sang through the smile I imaged was on her face.

I sight out in relief as I continued my journey.

"Hey baby, you had me worried for a second. You okay?" I asked making it to the car.

"Yeah I'm okay, I'm just excited to be going back to Texas." She said.

I knew she was happy to be going back especially, since I moved my mom's house and my house into a secured neighborhood.

They were going to be our next door neighbors so it wouldn't be hard to watch out for everyone.

Sure I had to make a bunch of calls to get everything set up and straight so we could move in as soon as possible, but it was worth it to make sure everyone was safe.

I smiled as I continued loading everything up so I could head to the airport.

"I'm glad you're happy, I like seeing that smile in your beautiful face."

She giggled on the other end causing me to smile bigger.

"Bey are you on your way to the new house now." She questioned after the laughter died down.

"No baby I'm on my way to you so I can make sure everything goes by smoothly." I said pulling off.

I heard her suck her teeth as I heard shuffling.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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