Chapter 22

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Nickis pov
December 30th
2:14 p.m

"Beyoncé I'm fine seriously, you've done enough for today I can do it myself." I said as I moved her hand out the way.

"Nic the doctors agreed to let you come here if you decided to take it easy, and every five minutes your trying to leave the room and explore." She said looking at me with worry filled eyes.

Every since I've woken up bey had been by my side every step of the way, but I wanted to enjoy being alive.

I was tired of only viewing things from a "mirror" and I wanted to be by the ocean and feel the sand in between my toes and eat actually food.

Besides we were in the Bahamas, who can say they wake up from a coma in a beautiful place like this?

"Bey I'm not completely helpless you know" I sighed out trying to reach for the wheel chair.

Bey helped me over towards the chair after watching me go for it by myself with no success at all.

This here was bullshit.

"I understand that nic, but everything isn't going to go back to normal within a couple days. At least you were able to leave the mini hospital house I had planned for you and your still able to eat whole foods without a tube or anything." She said lightly smiling at me.

I sighed as I looked at my hands.

"Yeah it could be worse, I'll just be happy when I'm back to regular me. You know able to walk on my own or at least a little bit more than now."

"It takes time nika remember that, and I'll be here with you every step of the way." She said placing a kiss on my forehead before getting behind me to push me out the room.

I absentmindedly thought about everything as she wheeled me down the hall towards the living room.

"Well look who decided to join us" momma Tina said playfully.

"Hey Mama" I giggled as she came over to kiss my forehead.

"How has Bey been treating you?" She asked as Bey parked my wheelchair by the loveseat.

She helped me onto the couch as she sat by me.

"You know how concerning your daughter has been, but it's definitely not bothering me as much as it will later down the line" I tried to laugh off.

Mama Tina smiled at me softly as Solo came running in the room.

"Nickiiiiiiiii", she hollered as she threw herself into my lap.

"Solo what the fuck are you doing" Bey harshly screamed pulling her off me.

"Omg I'm so sorry ni-"

"No solo it's fine I swear" I said looking at her sympathetically.

I looked over at Bey and anger was running all over her face as Ms.Tina walked Solange out the room.

"Bey what the hell" I stated harshly.

"She can't be jumping on you like that Nic, and she knows that."

"Bey if it was a problem I would have said something, it didn't even hurt or anything." I said watching her sit down beside me.

I gripped her and as I saw her leg begin to bounce.

"Bey if you keep treating me like a handicap I'll never get better. I'm sure no one under this roof will hurt me."

I watched as her leg stopped bouncing so fast and she began to calm down some.

"Your right Nika I'm sorry. I promised to keep you safe and I didn't think of it that way."

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