"No uncle! It is the right time. I don't have any interest in visiting you guys. I just came here to take my answers from this man who birthed me and then abandoned me. What was my fault father?" She didn't hold back.

Mateen was silenced.

"Maliha forget the past" Her father's wife interfered.

"I have zero respect for a home wrecker" She said getting up from her place.

The next few seconds, she was out of everyone's gaze. Hassan saw her back with a tint of hatred in his eyes.

She called names to his mother.

Nobody stopped her.


One day had passed since Maliha's arrival. After what happened at the breakfast table, the elders tried to talk to her.

"Uncle auntie please! I don't want to hear anything. I just came here to get my answers. I will only talk to my father!" She tried her best to say these words in a respectable way.

"But when he tries to say anything you make him shut his mouth with your poisonous words" Hassan had enough of this girl.

"Oh you speak just like your mother. It must be generational" She passed him a teasing smile.

"What do you think? One day you will come here, will disrespect my parents and I will tolerate this attitude of yours"

"Who are you?" She asked raising her eyebrow, with stoic appearance of her face.

Hassan's face changed colors in mere second.

"Who are you to interfere? You mean nothing to me, so keep quiet please. Don't interfere!!" She pointed a finger at him.

"You are pathetic" Hassan stared her with anger.

"Just like your mother" She shot back.

"Please stop it" This time her uncle's wife intervened.

She sighed.

"Beta! Please don't fight with him. Just forgive your father. He is regretting. I know he is" Her uncle said once again.

"Do you realize it's just easy to give such statements. You can't actually do that so easily. You support what your brother did. I am amazed at you" She mocked.

"Behave yourself Maliha!" Burak took part in the conversation with not so good expressions on his face.

"Can you please keep quiet as you were. I wasn't talking to you" She glared him.

"This is my home. You are talking to my parents, practically disrespecting them. What else do you want to hear from me?"

"Nothing. Simply nothing" She zipped her lips with her fingers to show him what she wanted from him.

Burak glared her.

"Burak watch your tone" His father pointed his finger at him.

He averted his eyes back to the girl responsible for all this mess.

"Just tell me why the hell did you come here then?" Burak uttered those words in a high pitch.

"Why would I tell you?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Behave yourself Maliha! What kind of attitude you are throwing at us. Is this what you have learned staying in abroad. Don't you have manners" He said it all.

"My question is same Mr. Burak why would I tell you anything. Why I have to explain anything to you. Who the hell are you?" She raised her voice at the end.

"Watch your tone Madam! This is my home not a club of your country. Don't you dare to shout again" His expressions were changed.

After facing the disrespectful behavior at her end, he was furious.

"Oh that's what you think of me" She laughed at his words,

"You think I am a spoiled brat. I wear westren clothes, go to clubs and taint your so called honor"

"So you accept?" He released a light chuckle.

"Think whatever you want to think of me. I damn care because you are no one to me" She said furiously.

"Can you two please stop this nonsense" Uncle roared.

Everyone was still at his place.

"Show some respect to your elders. You are fighting with her in front of me Burak! Have some shame!" He said to his son unhappily.

"Papa I just.."

"SHUT UP" He cut off his son.

"Just go to your rooms everyone" He said firmly, no one could disobey him now.

Burak and Maliha's met as they both walked upstairs.

They had anger.

Dislikenesss for each other.


Burak said some mean words to Maliha. Is his behavior towards Maliha justified?

Did Maliha overreact?

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