Chapter 18 ~ Gathering information

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Gon PoV

'Killua is kidnapped by Illumi. Kalluto traced down Illumi's location so we know that they are still in the Zoldyck mansion, but we have to know exactly where Killua is held before attacking. Anyone has any ideas how to know where Killua is he?' Kurapika asked as I sadly stroke the electric blot charm on my bracelet. Alluka wasn't doing good either, she kept crying and hugging Rosalina, which was a present from Killua on her 13th birthday. Kurapika and Kalluto were a mystery and Leorio was upset.

'I think he' in the torture room since that's where he's always held when he's captured. But I'll infiltrate the mansion today to try and get the exact location where he's held. They still don't know I've switched sides since the last time we escaped Illumi I was wearing a hoodie covering my head so he doesn't know. I can just say that the troupe let m out for a break and I wanted to catch up on household affairs.'

'That's risky but it's the only way we've got.You're the only one here that still has a good relationship with the Zoldyck family and know their landscape so you can escape quickly. We'll be nearby to provide support when you're in danger. Just shout Bye and we'll barge in. If you can, check on Killua, okay?'

'Yeah, let's go!'

Kalluto PoV

We took a plane to the Dentora region of the Republic of Padokea, and took a tour bus to Kukuoo mountain. The rest of us hid near the bushes near the mansion while I entered the house.

'Best of luck.' Kurapika wished me as I pushed the testing gates open and went to see mother.

'Kalluto dear, you're back!' She greeted.

'The troupe let me have a break. What's new in the house?' I asked, trying not to be suspicious.

'We finally got your brother back, thanks to Illumi of course. Come with me and try to persuade him to become the greatest assassin once again!'


Killua PoV

I woke up and saw that I was back in the mansion's torture room. I was chained up, hanging from the ceiling, as usual.

'Look's like you are awake, Kil.' I heard Milluki's voice said. I remained silent.

'Answer me!' He yelled in frustration as a couple of whip marks appeared on my skin, red and raw. But I continued being silent.

'Let's see if you would still be so silent now!' Milluki stabbed me in the chest and I screamed.

'Losing your composure huh?' Milluki laughed.

'Milluki! Enough!' I heard by biological mum scolded. 'Kil, stop being stubborn and come back!'

'I won't!' I refused and myself being whipped again.

'Milluki!' Mom shouted. 'Kil...' I lost focus as my mind drifted on to Gon and the others, wondering where they are and what they're doing. The next thing I know, mom and Milluki had already left. I was already exhausted from the torture and I felt my mind drifting of to sleep again.

*End of flashback*

Kalluto PoV

'Sure.' I replied. In my heart however, I had already said a billion times no already. As I guessed Killua was in the torture room. Mom slid open the heavy iron door and I saw Killua chained up, hanging from the Ellington with whip lashes, burn marks, cuts, bruises all over his body. He was muttering our names again and again. I really wanted to cry, seeing the state he's in, but I blinked a few times and forced the tears back in.

'Kil, stop being stubborn and come back to us! You're the best one the family has ever produced and this could help the fam—' 'Never.' Killua said faintly.

'Just—' 'I said never!'

'Mother, let me try. I'll tell you if the job is done.'

'Good luck.' Mum said as she stepped out.

'Hey Kil, stop being stubborn—' 'How—' Shh!' I whispered. 'They don't know.' I explained as I stuffed some bread and chocolate robots in his mouth.

'You know, you're the best in the family so come back and teach me, okay?' I continued to act.

'Please bear this for a couple more days, then we'll make up a plan to get you out, okay?' I whispered as I used the antiseptic Leorio gave me to secretly clean some of his worse wounds. Killua nodded as I patted him on the back.

'We all miss you.' These were the parting words as I went out to tell mom my 'Failure'
'I failed.' I announced as mom nodded in understanding. 'By the way, are going to kill his friends off?' I asked.

'Only if necessary. But we'll capture Alluka back though. How long have you got to stay, Kalluto dear?' She asked in that false sweet voice of hers.

'Until noon.' I replied.

'But it's noon already!'

'Is it? Shoot, I have to go, or they'll punish me.' I faked a run.

'I'll tell Sliver you came to visit.' Mum sis as she left.

'So Killua's being abused by his family again?' Gon asked furiously.

'Unfortunately yes.' I replied sadly as Alluka's eyes brimmed with tears.

'Killua's state will be getting worse and worse every minute, there's no time to lose. But your family is the biggest problem here, Kalluto.' Kurapika said.

'Wait a moment. I remember mum saying that she, dad and gramps will be going out for business tomorrow! So only Illumi and Milluki are home!'

'That's great! We'll have to attack tomorrow, so let's formulate a plan now' Kurapika said.

'Just you wait, Killua!' I heard Gon mutter to himself. 'I promise I'll definitely save you!'

Fate ~  A Hunter x Hunter After StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora