Chapter 11 ~ The Hunter Exam

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Kalluto PoV

Who would have though that 3 it of the 5 Zoldyck kids would participate in the hunter exam? Surely not me. But here I am with Alluka, going to participate in the exam. We left the game world and drives at Dolle harbour, where we headed for the cellar tree like Bisky said. The old woman asked us 'If you had a car crash and you could only save one of them, who would you save? 1. Your mother. 2. Your father.' I remained silence for the entire countdown, but in my heart I repeated a million time that I wouldn't save anyone, they could get out themselves! They're assassins, for crying out loud! Even if the car crashes, they probably wouldn't even suffer a serious injury. Alluka seem to think the same thing I'm thinking too, as I could see a small smile forming in her lips. After that we had to walk for around 1 hour to the navigator's home, and immediately I saw the kidnapping scene Bisky had warned us about.

I trapped the 4 of them in my Snowstorm before they could escape and play with us, and told them that we saw through their play and their real identities.

'Impossible! How did you know?'

'I am friends with someone who used to be a Hunter Exam examiner.' I replied.

'She's really nice! Biscuit Kruger, have you ever heard of her? She's our teacher!' Alluka informed.

'Oh! So you must know the existence of Nen, since she teaches Nen!'

'Uh huh. We trained with Kurapika, Leorio, Gon and Killua' I answered.

'You know them too! Gon is a good friend of mine! Tell me what he's doing now!' The Kirikos seemed excited, and we spend there for the rest of the night, telling them stories.

The next day is the day of the Hunter Exam, and the Kirikos brought us to a theme park. We told the staff there 'Arcade' which is the word to arrive at the exam venue. We took the lift underground to an arcade, which we had to play 3 games — The punching game for our strength, the reaction game for our speed and the quiz for our thinking. Needless to say, Alluka and I aced the games, and passed the first phrase, with me even breaking the punching machine.

The second phrase is to run through a forest full of weird creatures, such a talking bats and a crossbreed of a fish and an ape? I just used my Origami transform to fly our way out of the forest, and we were the first to arrived. Man, should have stayed there longer and have some fun before completing the phrase!

The third phrase is to fight against each other and steal badges. Alluka just used her Pedals of Death to paralyse them while I used my Origami transform to transform into a bird and steal the badges. The examiner was shocked as how fast the examinees were defeated but still passed us and now we were officially Hunters!

'Can't believe the exam is so freaking easy!' I complained. 'I wished it was more fun!'
'Don't forget, if you don't have Nen and Bisky's training, it would't be so easy' Alluka said.

Suddenly, I felt a murderous aura, I looked around and spotted Illumi behind us, a few miles away. He doesn't seems to be able to spot us.

'Alluka, can you sense that?'

'Yeah! Biggest Brother.' She seemed scared, probably because of their last encounter.

'Let's hurry to the harbour.' I said urgently as me and Alluka began to run. As we run I felt a cold shiver ran up my spine and saw Illumi glaring at Alluka, but he doesn't seems to notice me as I was wearing a hoodie that covered my head. Crap!

'Biggest brother spotted us! Let's use Nen to boost ourselves to the harbour!' Alluka worriedly said as she pulled my hand


'What do you mean no?'

'Even if we arrive at the harbour, the ship still takes an hour to leave, so Illumi can catch up o us even with out running! Plus, the ship wold give him an idea of where we're staying, casing Gon's family to be in danger! Let's think of another plan!' I thought hard while running.

'How about air! If we can't escape through the sea, we can use your Origami transform to transform into a bird or a dragon and escape through air!' Alluka suggested.

'And Illumi don't have any technology or abilities to fly, he couldn't catch up. Plus f he booked a flight it would still take at least 10 minutes for the procedure to finish. Good thinking, Alluka!'

We arrived at the harbour, with Illumi a few yards behind us. We dodged behind a tree to not let Illumi recognise Kalluto's paper shreds, then Kalluto conjured a bird to blend in with the surrounding birds, and we flew.

'Kalluto, do yow know where Whale Island is?'

'Oh crap, no! I only know how to get there by boat!'

'Let me control the bird, you use your ability to try and locate where Whale Island is and where we're heading right now.'

'Roger that!' I said as I let Alluka take over.

We were flying around 90 degrees in the wrong direction, but luckily I had my ability and I just have to change direction. I glanced back and saw only clouds, luckily Illumi isn't here.

'After an hour we finally potted Whale Island beneath the clouds. Alluka was freezing cold by now because of the water vapour in the clouds I was a bit cold too. Luckily we had Nen protecting us and I had my assassin training so I don't get too affected by the temperature. Any normal person would have froze over by now, flying among the clouds for an hour soaked wet. I gave Alluka my hoodie to keep her warmer and smuggled with her to keep warm.

'We landed on a patch of grass hidden among the trees, so people won't get suspicious. We headed right off to Mito san's to get Alluka a warm bath so she wouldn't get sick. Mito san's was horrified at two children soaked wet and freezing cold at her doorstep, and quickly welcomed us into the house, luckily she didn't flood us with questions.

After a refreshing warm bath, we headed to Gon's room to get back to Greed Island, but before that, Alluka said something that warmed my entire body and I oils never forget what she said.

'Hey Kalluto.'


'Thanks for being such a wonderful brother and staying with me when I need you the most.' She smiled.

It was the first time I was being told that I am not a nobody, but a wonderful person who helps people. Teas were threatening to fall and I had to blink very hard to stop them from falling. Luckily Alluka was obvious.

We entered Greed Island moments later and used Accompany to get back to Bisky.

'There you are! I was wondering where you can be!' Bisky sighed in relief.

'Sorry, we were later than expected. Illumi was following us and we had to escape through air.'

'Goodness, something of that sort happened! We'll you guys did quite well to think calmly and escape! You managed to thwart an expert assassin an a skilled Nen user. You must be exhausted now, so I'll let you have today as a break and continue tomorrow, okay? Get some good rest!' Bisky smiled tenderly as she went out to train Kurapika and Leorio. Even though Bisky is really strict, she can be really kind and mother like too sometimes. I think I consider her more as a real mother than my biological mother, and I pretty sure Killua and Alluka think so too!

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