Prologue 1

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Cover art does not belong to me

3rd person PoV

Leorio was working for the zodiacs as boar. As he was running along the corridor to get some paperwork for the upcoming trip to the dark continent, he suddenly bumped into a familiar blond haired, grey eyed teen.

Leorio PoV

'Hey! Watch where you're heading, dude...Wait, Kurapika!?' I exclaimed

'Leorio!' The Kurta replied in surprise as I angrily shoved past. That good for nothing bastard didn't even show up when Gon was at hospital, so why should I talk to him?

'Leorio did I do anything wrong?' Kurapika asked as he jogged besides me.

'Tell me please!'

'You know what you did1'

'No I don't!'

'Fine! Gon was at the hospital a couple of months ago1 He was back after a very dangerous mission and he was in a near death state! He made a super strong Nen contract that even the strongest exorcist couldn't help him! His body was covered in bandages and dark aura was flowing out of him! His arm was so thin and fragile like a tree branch! And you know what you just did? Ignore all of the calls and not help at all, huh?' I glared at him.

'Wait, is Gon all right? Where is he now?' Kurapika asked with a worried expression

'Why do you even care? You don't treat us as friends, or even equals!'

'Excuse me? Gon is MY friend as much as yours! And I do care about him! So answer me!'

'Then answer me this! Do you know what you'll do after your so called avenge your clan?' I yelled. 'If I'm satisfied with your answer, I will bring you to Gon.'

Kurapika PoV

'I...I don't know.' I answered. 'Sometimes when I've calmed down these days and thought about this topic my mind is blank. I guess I... I just sort of assumed that what I am doing is to bring back justice and pride to the Kurta clan, but deep down I know it's just to smother my emotions and get over with me suddenly losing my family. And when I do this my heart always get consumed by anger and makes me ignore my surroundings. Sometimes...sometimes I doubt whether I am even fit to be your friends, cause I just bring pain to you all...I'm sorry... As for what I would like to do after this, I seriously don't know. Maybe I could be a bounty or blacklist hunter and capture people, since I will have enough experience and power after this. But I'll keep away from you guys so you aren't affected by what I do. So please let me see Gon for one last time, so I may have a peace of mind, and after this I promise I'll fade away from you guys, okay?'

Leorio just walked away, and I felt my heart being crushed by the testing gate. Guess my answer is not right, huh? Just as I was about to walk away sadly I heard Leorio calling me from behind.

'Hey, what are you waiting for? We're going to see Gon right now! So get ready!'

Hearing this I almost leapt over from joy, I'm really glad that Leorio still considers me as his friend after everything I did to them, I really do not deserve their friendship.

I helped Leorio and I take a leave at the office, before packing up and heading to the harbour. On the boat ride Leorio helped me catch up on things about Gon, Killua as well as himself. I'm really surprised that Gon and Killua had broken up, they were a great pair! I guess I should start picking up phone calls so to not miss out important information about my friends.

As the boat arrived at Whale Island I was greeted with a sweet aroma of fresh leaves and the saltiness of the sea at the same time. So this is where Gon lives, huh? I'm the only person in the trio to have not visited Gon's home before. After a long walk we arrived at the bottom of a hill, which on top I could barely make out the outlines of a house made out of pastel yellow bricks and a red rooftop. As we hiked our way to Gon's house I suddenly felt a bit nervous about meeting Gon after a long time. What if he hates me because I did not visit him? What if he forgets me? Thoughts like these flooded my head. Leorio seems to have sensed my nervousness and put his arm around me, telling me to relax.

We finally arrived at the top of the house, and I hid behind Leorio. Just as Leorio was about to ring the doorbell a voice shouted out.

'How am I supposed to know what 7 times 9 is???'

'Well it is your own fault to have skipped school for so long to find that dumbass of a cousin!' A woman's voice shouted out.

'Maths is torture.' The boy's voice murmured 'Whoever invented math is a psychopath like Hisoka.' I almost laughed as Leorio rang the doorbell.

'I'm coming1' The boy shouted as he sprinted down the staircase four steps at a time.

'You know you only did this to escape doing Maths, right?' The woman said.

The boy laughed sheepishly as he opened the door, the laugh was which replaced with a wide grin.

'Leorio!!!' Gon exclaimed as he hugged Leorio.

'Yo! Long time no see! I brought you a surprise!'

'A new fishing rod?'

'Even better!' Leorio replied as he stepped aside revealing me behind.

'Ku...Kurapika!!!' Gon exclaimed in surprise as he tackled me with a hug, resulting in me on the floor. I was instantly relieved that Gon does not bear any hatred against me, but Gon was choking me, which was a much bigger concern that the former. Gon seems to have noticed the problem, as he quickly released me with a worried expression on his face.

'Did I hurt you, Kurapika? I'm really sorry!'

'No it's okay. Seems you were having trouble with Maths as before. Do you need help?' I changed the subject.

'Oooh, yes please!'

3rd person PoV
After the small interaction, Kurapika and Leorio helped Gon tackle his homework that he hasn't done for the past two years. Kurapika proved to be a great teacher to Gon, as the 16 pieces of homework was finished in just half a day, and the three of them spend the rest of the day with Gon taking them to his favourite spots in Whale Island, teaching them fishing, introduced them to Konto (The fox bear), swimming and more before Kurapika and Leorio headed back to York New in the evening.

Kurapika and Leorio would then on come to visit Gon more often before the story starts when they had time.

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