Chapter 5 ~ Hisoka, Gon v.s the spiders!

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3rd person PoV

While the trio were heading to Whale Island, Gon encountered a strong evil aura and turned around to see...

Gon PoV


'Ohhh Goooooonnnnnn! I see you've regained your Nen! Fantastic! Time for a fight!'

An idea popped right into my head. Kurapika's birthday is just around the corner, so why don't I do something for him?

'Bisky, Alluka, go first, I'll join you later. I want to have a chat with Hisoka.'

'Fine, but be careful okay? And don't be too long!' Bisky shouted as she and Alluka continued walking.

'So, are you going to fight me?' Hisoka's creepy voice whispered.

'On one condition, help me find and capture the phantom troupe. Uvogin, Pakunoda, Shalnark, Shizuku, Machi and Kortopi are dead. I want you to help me defeat Chrollo, Phinks, Nobunaga, Franklin, Feitan and Bonolenov. The new no. 4 is new and did not take part in murdering Kurapika's clan so there's no reason to fight him. Just take on the *Gon does a head count* five, no, six of them, but don't kill them. Then I'll fight you.'

'Only if you let Chrollo for me to fight' Hisoka said.

'We've got a deal. I'll phone my friends, they'll be great help to us in this mission.'

2 hours later, Hisoka, Gon, Knuckle and Meleoron are ready for battle. The plan is to first let Knuckle punch the spiders with his ability Hakoware, invisible using Meleoron's ability. Then Hisoka and I will attack the spiders. We just need to trick them into using their most Nen exhausting ability, then they will fall right into our trap and not be able to use nen for 30 days. That's plenty of time.

We found 3 spiders — Phinks, Bonolenov and Franklin, tracked them down and then attacked. Knuckle first attacked them when they are unaware, then ran to get supplies for us to escape quickly. I decided to fight against Phinks, while Hisoka deal with Bonolenov and Franklin. Phinks's ability is called Ripper cyclotron, which makes his aura increase whenever he winds his arm in clockwise direction, the more he winds the more aura he uses. After I landed a strong attack on him it spiked him to wind his arm 50 times, and the *poof* Knuckle's ability takes place as a purple cat appeared. Knuckle grabbed him into the car and chained him up.

'One down!' I told Hisoka. 'I'm taking Franklin from you!'

Franklin's ability is Double machine gun, which expels aura as bullets from his fingers. The aura released is really strong and hard to dodge. I took in a couple ones. it was quite painful even after using Ken. Luckily after 30 minutes his aura ran out. Another down.

Hisoka seems to be doing fine, and successfully tricks Bonolenov into using his greatest ability, Jupiter. Just as the enormous planet was about to crash down, *poof* it disappeared. Final one down.

Promising to tell each other when we spot another spider, I took the 3 captives back to Kurapika's homeland, where I used my money from the Chimera Ants to build a house for Kurapika to live in, since the one he lives in now is really small and cramped. I locked the captives into the basement, giving them enough food, then headed back to York New to catch a boat back to Whale Island. On my way, I suddenly received a phone call from Leorio.

'Hey buddy, are you free now? There's something I would like you to attend.'

'I'm feeling kinda beaten up right now and would a rest, so maybe no?'

'It's okay! You can just sleep there, just attend this please! Where are you?' This Leorio, I already told him I didn't want to go.

I sighed. 'I'm in York New right now.'

'Cool! I'm in York New too! I'll pick you up in 10 minutes!'

'Yeah yea, bye!'

'See ya later, bud1' Leorio hung up.

I called Alluka to tell her about the situation and apologised again and again.

'It's okay, Gon nii-chan. I'll be fine for a day. Me and Bisky are buying cards right now! She is really nice!'

'Glad to hear that. See you tomorrow, Alluka!'

'Bye bye!'

Leorio came to pick me up in his car. I asked him where are we going and what's the surprise, but he just kept saying it's a secret.

After an hour of car ride we finally arrived at a house made of brown bricks and a red roof, our destination. Leorio rung the doorbell and the door opened.

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