Chapter 14 ~ Nen contract

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Killua PoV

It was morning, andI patiently wait until Gon wakes up, to question him about Illumi.
I sensed a small movement, and saw Gon yawning.

'Morning! Eh! Where's my wound?'

'Nanika healed you. Why didn't you tell us you weren't okay, you idiot? You just collapsed in your room, with blood gushing out! Leorio said you might have died of blood loss!'

'I don't know? It's strange, but after a while I can't feel the pain, only sleepiness. I thought my body was demanding rest to heal the wound so I complied.'

'Poison...' I muttered under my breath.

'Did you say anything?'

'No. Listen, I'm going out for a while. You stay here and get some decent rest, okay?'

'I'll come with you! I'm completely healed!'

'Idiot, you were near death's door just yesterday!'

'But I'm fine now! Where are you going?'

'It's none of your business—' He's going to murder Illumi, Gon.' Kurapika suddenly appeared behind me.

'Stop using Zetsu to sneak up on people!'

'Gon and I are coming with you. First, Illumi's super strong so you need backup. Second, you're really pissed, I can tell, so you might act recklessly, and might be forced back to an assassin or killed by Illumi if you're careless.'

'No way!' 'We're coming, you don't have a choice.' Kurapika insisted.

'Ugh, fine! Hey Alluka, care to tell Bisky I'm going away?'

'Sure! Just be careful and come back to me, okay?'

'Yeah yeah.'

We used Accompany and exit the game. Then we rode a car to the Zoldyck mansion. The sight of it made me even more pissed, as memories of my pained childhood came rushing back. I Godspeed into the mansion with Kurapika and Gon holding both of my hands. I rushed into Illumi's room and bursted the door open.

'Well hello there, dear little brother. Are you finally coming back to become the greatest assassin?'

'Get lost!' Blood was boiling inside my body, and without thinking, I let my assassin mode take over.

I used Electric Dragon, controlling it to eat Illumi. The electric blue dragon opened it's mouth and chased Illumi around, snapping it's jaws and roaming around the room. Illumi was forced into a corner, and the dragon opened it's jaws, ready to eat the bastard.

'Yes! ' I cheered, but Illumi pushed through the electric currents and used his claws to slash me, throwing me backwards. Shoot! I forgot Illumi has an immunity to electricity like me. Gon traded places with me and started firing his Jajanken Paper at Illumi. He managed to injure Illumi after 10 minutes and started to strike his Jajanken Rock, preparing for a lethal blow. The big Nen ball fired at Illumi, causing him to be thrown out of balance. Gon relaxed but just then Illumi rushed toward and stabbed him in his chest near the heart. Blood gushed out as Gon fell back. Kurapika catches Gon and immediately checked on him.

'Not good, his heart is affected by the claw!' Kurapika shouted worriedly. I watched as Gon started to slowing close his eyes while Illumi watched in amusement, laughing his heart out. Gon's hand dropped on the floor as Kurapika frankly used his Healing chain to try and heal him.

'No...NO! Stay with me Gon! Please! Stay with me!' Kurapika's heartbreaking pleas filled the room, mixed with us sobbing sounds. 'GON!!!!' His scream of despair echoed around the whole room.

I lost control. Gon is dead...My ray of light, the person who saved me and changed my life is forever gone. I can't bear a world without my best friend here, and I have no reason to live anymore. If this is the end, let it be... I felt a sudden rush of power surging within me, and I prepared for my final strike with all my Nen energy fused in it, I could feel my arm starting to become hot, as the Electric Dragon started coming out.

Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me, and I felt a hand chop on y neck, and I blacked out.

Kurapika PoV

'No...NO! Stay with me Gon! Please! Stay with me!' I cried desperately as Gon's hand began to drop.'GON!' I cried. My healing chain suddenly emitted a powerful surge of energy, and green light surrounded Gon's body. I watched in surprise as Gon opened his eyes once again, his wound completely healed.

'Gon?' I  shakily asked.

'Kurapika! Why are you crying?' Gon said as he wiped the tears off my face. Suddenly I felt an unbelievable amount of power and saw Killua, his eyes dull.

'Oh shoot!' Gon said as he ran forward to Killua, then hand chopped him, knocking him unconscious.

'Gon, what are you doing?' I asked as Illumi began to stand up, after being knocked down by the power wave of Killua's unfinished attack. Gon carried Killua up on his back.

'We have to run, Kurapika! It's too dangerous here!' We used Nen to boost our speed, and ran out of the mansion. Illumi was chasing us a few yards away, but we managed to throw him off train by hiding in a bush using Zetsu. After hiding for some time, Illumi turned his head and went back, cursing.

'Gon, why did you knock Killua unconscious? ' I asked.

'You felt the powerful surge of Nen Killua was trying to use? I sensed it, and it was the aura of a Nen contract just like mine a year ago. If he had used that strike, he might be able to win the match, but be killed himself or in a critical condition like me. That's why I was so scared.'

'He did WHAT? This is the reason why we have to tag along him. By the way, are you okay from the injury? You almost lost your life a second out there.'

'Yeah. I'm perfectly fine! Your healing chain is really something, Kurapika.'

A while later Killua stirred and woke up.

'Illumi!' He yelled.

Calm down, Killua. Here's not here.' I said. Killua glanced at the surroundings.

'Where are we?' He asked.

'In a park in York New.' I informed.

'You idiot!' Gon cried, tears streaming down his face. 'I thought you promised me to not do anything reckless! Why did you make a Nen contract with yourself? You could've died there!'

'I just didn't see a point in living. I always hurt you! My family always hurts you! For a moment I though you were dead, Gon, and it's all my fault! My worst nightmare came real. I caused your death, and I should avenge you, that's what I thought.' Killua said in a monotone.

'You moron! DIdn't you think that even if I died, I would want you to continue to live your fullest! Not to waste your life away! Alluka and Kalluto needs you too! Don't be so selfish!'
'Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I won't do that again.'


'Fine! I swear to God I won't waste my life again, okay?'

'Thank you, Killua.'

'Well, after that's settled let's head back to Greed Island, okay? Bisky said we're close to the end of our training and clearing the game.'

'Yeah, let's go!'

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