Prologue 2

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Cover art does not belong to me.

Killua PoV

Illumi was approaching us. I could feel his murderous aura inching closer and closer. I know we couldn't escape him, cause Alluka doesn't know how to use Zetsu, and if I use Godspeed the ball of lightning would catch his attention, plus I would run out of electricity. In a hurry, I made up a plan and proceed to tell Alluka.

'Alluka...ALLUKA!!' I tried to catch the terrified girl's attention.

'AHH! Yes big brother?'

'Illumi is coming closer, we won't be able to escape him, trust me.' I whispered in a hurry. 'So here's the plan. I'm going to act as the decoy and let Illumi capture me, okay? Don't worry, I'll try to find a way out. I have Godspeed as my ability, and as I know all the parts of the mansion, I could escape in a jiffy, so I'll be fine, okay? When I'm distracting him, use this Accompany card, it'll teleport you to a certain person you say without people tracking you. Just use this card and say clear and loud "Accompany on! Gon Freecss!" and it'll teleport you to Gon nii-chan. Just ring the doorbell, ask if anyone's around, then ask if you could stay. He'll definitely let you stay, I guarantee it. Also, he wouldn't treat Nanika badly, so just feel free to show Nanika to him, okay? Now hurry, Illumi's here! Run! I love you!' I said as Illumi started searching the bushes where we were hiding.

Alluka nodded and ran while I waited for the dread to come. Just 1 minute later I felt a tug of my hair as Illumi approached.

'Found you, Kil. Now, come home with me.' Illumi's high, cold voice said.

'Dad let me leave! So why are you chasing me now?' I questioned angrily, trying to give Alluka more time.

'Dad thought you would return home one day. Of course, it turns out that he was gravely mistaken.'

'Damn Dad!' I cursed under my breath.

'Then I'll fight you for the freedom I deserved!' I shouted as I extended my claws, still trying to buy time. Gosh, I sounds like Gon!

Alluka PoV

I ran and ran until I was in a place full of old and abandoned buildings. I heard fighting behind me as I ran but I was too scared to look back. Knowing that there's no turning back once I used the card, I took a deep breath and shouted the words as I bid big brother goodbye in my heart.

'Accompany on! Gon Freecss!'

I saw a ball of white light surrounding me as I was pulled upwards, and the next thing I knew I was standing on a hilltop, a yellow bricked house with a red roof in front of me. I took a deep breath and pressed the doorbell, ready to start my new life without big brother.

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