Lin Xun had a smile on his face.

The maid Xiang Shanshan was a little confused and blinked, as if this situation was not written in the NPC script she got.

"Hahahaha, did Lin Xun not play his cards according to the routine? Shining seemed helpless, so funny!"

"Probably the program team never thought that there would be guests who would directly refuse the task order!"

"Lin Xun has a great time, hahaha, 6666!"


The program team really didn't expect Lin Xun to refuse directly, but there was nothing wrong with it. After all, according to the plot, who said these passengers couldn't refuse?

Lin Xun saw the maid's uneasiness for a moment and smiled: "If there is nothing else, I will go back to the room first."

Xiang Xingxuan nodded blankly: "Oh, okay."

Lin Xun returned to the room, couldn't help but laugh, and opened the gift box in his hand. It was a dark gray suit.

Lin Xun didn't take this dress too seriously. He just felt that it was provided by the program team for all of them.

Lin Xun came to the window and saw that Chen Haoning and Monkey had appeared in the yard at the prompt of the maid.

Chen Haoning put a hat on her head and looked at Monkey who came out in short-sleeved shorts: "Are you dressed like this to work?"

There is a big skull in the middle of MonKey's black T. Hearing this, he patted it: "Don't you think it's handsome?"

Chen Haoning said with a speechless face: "Do you know what we are going to do later?"

"I don't know, maybe weeding something?" Monkey guessed casually.

"Then you're going to feed the mosquitoes by dressing like this?" After Chen Haoning finished speaking, Monkey's eyes widened in surprise, "Why didn't I think of it? Is it too late for me to go back and change clothes now?"

Liu Jiajia came over at this time. She was obviously very smart. She put on a plaid shirt over her short-sleeved T-shirt and a pair of light gray sweatpants underneath.

The first reaction when seeing Monkey was: "Aren't you cold? I think it's very windy on this mountain."

Monkey looked at her: "Why do you all know to wear long sleeves and long pants?"

Liu Jiajia didn't know what Chen Haoning said to Monkey before she came out: "It's cold."

Chen Haoning smiled and said: "Because I don't want to be eaten by mosquitoes."

Monkey heard this and turned around to go back and change clothes, but at this moment the maid came over to Shen Shan: "Since everyone is here, let's go over."

"Wait a minute, Lin Xun hasn't come down yet." Liu Jiajia reminded.

"You guys wait for Lin Xun, I'll go up and change clothes first." Monkey said and continued walking back, but before he could enter the room, he heard Xiang Shanshan say: "You don't have to wait for him. He refused, saying that he would be the one to wait later. dance practice time."

The three people standing there said: "...can you refuse?"

Xiang Shining smiled and said, "It seems okay."

Chen Haoning suddenly looked careless.

Liu Jiajia said: "Is it too late to regret it now?"

Xiang Xingyan shook his head: "It seems like it's too late."

The debt-paying little wife of the top AlphaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon