2Min - Back to me

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p.o.v. Minho

I can make you mad.

I found myself in the bar again. Seungmin was at home, not knowing I was here and rather thinking I was at work. I drank shot after shot, drowning my stress in alcohol.
My bartender Chan sighned at me. "Come on Minho, time to go home. Seungmin will be mad at you again.", he said. I knew he was right, even in my drunken state, so I payed and walked home slowly. I knew I was too drunk to drive and I didn't really want company either so I didn't call an uber.

When I got home, Seungmin was already awaitening me in the kitchen. "You were at the bar again?", he asked. Disappointment in his voice. Fuck.. what I hate even more than mad Seungmin is disappointed Seungmin.

I sighned. "Yes, sorry.", I replied to him, looking away. I knew I was at fault. "You know I hate when you go to the bar.", he said and now it was evident that he was growing mad. "Just.. Go shower and come to bed already.", he whispered, turning around and going up, probably to the bedroom. That was the start.

I can make you scream.

I, once again, was at the bar. This time, I got even more drunk. When I got home, Seungmin was already mad. When my answers where slurred and uncertain he got even madder. "Fuck it Minho! Why do you always have to go drinking?! You can just come home and talk to me, that's healthier and better for us too! Don't you see that this is breaking apart slowly?!", he yelled at me, growing more quiet and desperate at the end. I gulped. He was right and I knew it.
I didn't even know why I always go for alcohol. I sighned, looking at Seungmin, carefully taking his hand. "I will try okay? I will try to come home and talk to you instead of drinking, okay?", I asked him, not wanting to promise things I may not be able to hold. He nodded, guiding me to the shower and then bed.

I can make you cry.

It got better. I went to Seungmin when I felt like drinking and slowly my problems got smaller. I didn't realize it did the opposite to Seungmin. My Problems grew on him. The smaller my Problems grew for me, the bigger his problems got.
So I was shocked to find him crying when I got home earlier one day. Crying in our bedroom alone. I knew I had to break this off the moment I found him.

I can make you leave.

I have prepared for this day for a few weeks. I waited for Seungmin to come home after a long day at work. As he entered, I smiled at him, knowing this will hurt him deeply.
"Seungmin? Sit down please.", I told him, not wanting him to stand in the middle of the room for this. He sat down and I sighned. I knew I had to do this.
I loved him too much to keep him here and let him suffer, even if he won't understand it.
"Seungmin.. We should break up. I can see that this relationship only hurts you. Don't tell me we can fix it, cause we tried and couldn't. I love you. I love you so much, but I know I have to let you go. It may be egoistic, but please let me leave. I am not good for you and you deserve someone better.", I said and for a few seconds there was utter silence in the room. Both Seungmin and I were crying. "I know you are right, but I hate you so much right now because you are.", he mumbled. "Just.. please at least stay in contact?", he asked me hopefully and I smiled a bit, nodding. "Yes please..", I responded. Seungmin chuckled a bit, tears still in his eyes. "And I thought you'd want to make me hate you for everything", he said wiping his tears. "I thought about it, but the truth was better."

But I can't make you come back to me.

It took me a while to grow used to not be around Seungmin. I stopped going to the bar completely. My life took a turn after leaving Seungmin. First I felt awful, but then I moved on from that, wanting to be a better man so one day, if Seungmin still feels the same, we could be a couple again. Deep inside I knew that it would never happen tho. He deserves someone better.

Hey, I'm not really back and this sounds like it isn't finished..

I thought I'd give ya'all at least a tiny Oneshot

Thank you all for supporting my work!

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