Jeonglix - fuck, I fell for you again

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p.o.v. Jeongin

I was watching from the sidelines as the boy seduced another victim. We need him in our team, but boss won't let me handle it. He wants to see him himself.

So today I brought Chan with me, watching our little Kitten do his work, seduce, take everything he can and flee. He was never caught for good, always being able to seduce even the officers into letting him go.

"Okay, I have seen enough, go and get him Innie. I'll give you two weeks.", Chan said as he left. I smirked. "Okay Channie~", I sang, slowly walking towards the boy we just watched flee.

"Hello there little Kitten. Lost?", I asked, leaning on the wall next to him. "I got a name, you know? I thought after watching me for weeks you would've found out.", the boy hissed back. "Oh come on Kitten, of course I know, but shouldn't we keep your name hidden, Yongbok.", I said, hissing his name into his ear. I felt him shiver under me. My hands on his shoulder and waist.

"Come on, boss wants to meet you. You shall join our team.", I said and he just nodded. He already fell into my trap. We walked for a little while, ending up in the basement of our hideout. "Poor little Kitten, fell into my trap.", I whispered, pushing him inside a pitch black room, locking the door after entering myself. "Let's get started.", I said, pushing him into the chair, tieing him down onto it. "Let's start with session one.", I said as I pulled out a remote and started playing the videos.

I had done this for at least a week, making him watch the videos till he collapsed, but today was finally the day. I opened the door and was greeted with an empty chair. "So you finally understand.", I chuckled. He slithered out from behind the door, grabbing my chin from behind, tilting it up and holding a knive to my throat. "Kitten got claws.", I chuckled out. Then I grabbed his hand holding the knive and twisted it, turning around to face him. His eyes were just like a Cats and slightly green.

I couldn't help myself and pinned him against the wall, holding both his hands above him, making him stand on his tippy toes. He looked at me with still the same murderous expression until he finally let out a chuckle. "I thought you'd never come! I really missed you here Innie~", he sang coming a little forward. I smirked, he was already brainwashed. "Ah don't worry Kitten, I will always come and get you.", I responded. It was the truth.

A few weeks later, he had joined our team and already broke free from his brainwashed state, still staying with us tho. He was very clingy towards me, while he didn't really cling to the others, only giving them a hug or two with small forehead kisses. While he literally clinged onto me when I was around. Always following me or clinging on me like a koala when I walk around. I wouldn't have it any other way tho.

I was once again walking around with a Kitten Koala. He had looked at me for around 20 minutes now and I couldn't bear it much longer. "What is it Kitten?", I asked him, sitting his ass on the kitchen counter. "Hmm, I just want to.. do this really quick.", he mumbled, suddenly pushing forward and pressing his lips onto mine. It was short, but the best I felt in years. "Damn Kitten, you'll have to do this more often then.", I responded, leaning forward and pressing my lips onto his again.

From that day on, he was even harder to pry away from me and I loved it. He really got me down bad for him.
But everything seemed to change with that one mission. Felix had to work together with Changbin for this one. Acting to be in love with him, making the participants smell no bullshit. I got jealous and damn, I got angry too.

I was watching the whole scene, when I suddenly saw Felix wavering in his movements. That never happened before. Then he collapsed, Changbin luckily catching him. My mind went blank. I was already standing up, but Chan pulled me back on the ground. "They'll kill them if we move now.", he said and I contained my anger.

But the sound of a gunshot triggered me. The blood pouring out of my Kittens back had me going loose. Chan didn't even try to hold me back, knowing it would just be more of a bother. All hell broke loose, when I suddenly jumped from my hiding spot right next to Felix and Changbin, guns in hand. I kneeled next to Felix. "Oh Kitten, what have they done to you? Answer me, Kitten.", I said, knowing he won't answer. A second gunshot was heard and within a second I moved Kitten and myself out of the way, knowing Changbin was doing the same. I looked at Changbin and he nodded.

That's when this celebration became an invite to hell. I shot one person after another, leaving no person alive. They were all sinners anyways. Murderers, Thieves, Pedophiles. So I shot.

We brought Felix home, making sure he was alright, soon finding out he was poisoned. But he survived. That was also the incident when Lee Know decided to join us. He had loved my Kitten from day one, being down bad for him, but in a protector brotherly way, so I didn't mind. I even enjoyed it, knowing my Kitten is save when I have to leave.

"My poor Kitten, being poisoned and shot isn't very nice, is it?", I asked him and he chuckled a little. "Innie~ It was just slight poison, you know I can take it and I didn't even feel the gunshot, so it's okay.", he reassured me. His eyes flickered in green. "Kitten, you have to be honest with me. Why do your eyes flicker with green so often?", I asked. It has gotten more often recently and I was pretty worried.

He gulped. "Uh well.. promise to not flip out?", he asked in a tiny voice and I nodded. "Promise Kitten, there is nothing you can say that'll make me leave you.", I responded and he visible relaxed. "You see, all that seducing and stuff, it's not only a talent of mine, it's a gift. Like powers. Superman and stuff. But they also activate when I need to heal.", he said and I took it in with a smile.

"That's cool.", I responded, pecking his lips. "No need to worry Kitten, your secret is save with me.", I continued and he giggled. "Thank you Innie~"

No idea how to end it...

Also, there was a 4th one planned.. But I can't bring myself to write it.. so..
I hope you aren't disappointed now..

But hey, at least I update this one again?

Also, short question, I mention in I think Minsung - Candy shop, a ChanChanglix side ship. would ya'all enjoy a short story based on Candy shop but Chanchanglix?

Have fun~

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