Chanlix - I shot Cupid

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p.o.v. Chan

Finally I found that little asshole. Why he had no wings and wasn't flying wasn't my concern that moment. I only wanted him gone. So I loaded my weapon and shot him. He fell to the ground, groaning in pain, breaking his damn bow in the process.

"What the hell mate?! Why you shoot me you beggar?!", he aggressively yelled, grabbing a rock and throwing it at me. I ditched easily. "Who do you call beggar Cupid? Got some sense in ya?", I shot back, now kneeling in front of the pathetic creature. "I'm calling you a beggar, ya damn fool. Get out of my personal space before ya regret it.", he threatened me. "I don't think you are in a position to command anything, Cupid. Your damn bow is broken, just like you damn charm.", I responded, forcing his head up by grabbing his chin. "Tch, you really think so, beggar?", he responded. He opened his eyes and it was a flash. Deep blue orbs staring into mine. He definetly was a goddess, just not exactly what I imagined Cupid to look like.

"You aren't Cupid, are you?", I asked him, tilting his head into all directions, looking at every inch of his face. "How would you know? Such a beggar like you wouldn't be able to tell a rat from a mouse.", he said, slapping my hand away from his chin. "Who are you even?", I asked him, luckily keeping my calm. "Won't tell ya Idiot. Can't tell who I am, then I am Cupid to you.", he responded. His hand went to the arrow I shot into his leg and pulled said arrow out of it in one go. One second he stared at it, the next he was aiming for my throat. I catched his wrists one inch before he could kill me. "Hold your horses Cupid.", I said, breaking the arrow in his hands, leaving splitters in his palm. He hissed a little.

"You leave me no choice, son of Zeus.", the boy in front of me said after calming his nerves again. Then I felt something changing. Before I was kneeling in front of him, now I was seeing pink clouds and roses everywhere. I looked around. My senses got damp and no matter how hard I shook my head, sleep was taking over me.

The next time I woke up, I was chained to a wall and in front of me was a small wooden door. I tried breaking the chains, but they must've been spelled, cause even after using my powers, I couldn't break them.
"Ah, look who's awake. The great son of Zeus. Bang Christopher Chan. How pathetic. Getting lured into my traps so easily.", the deep voice of the boy I shot before said. "Ah let's see, you must be son of Hypnos then.", I concluded. He chuckled. "Yes, that too. But now. Why do you want to shoot Cupid.", he asked, kneeling in front of me, taking my chin into his little chubby hands. "Damn, you got small hands.", I mumbled, earning a tiny growl from him.

He was sitting in front of me for two days now. Not eating, not sleeping, always on a watch. "Oh come on now, even you have to sleep sometime.", I exclaimed exhausted. "Ah actually, I do not. Hypnos gives me the power to stay awake for centuries if I want to. You however need more sleep and my powers are not helping you either. But I must say, this time you are rather hard to seduce.", he said, mumbling the last part. "Just tell me why you want Cupid gone and this will end.", he then continued. "Ah for fucks sake he made me be bound to a literal witch. She's annoying, loud, aggressive and damn she's ugly inside. She may be daughter of Aphrodite, but that doesn't help her darn character. Because of Cupid however, my father said I shall marry her.", I exclaimed in an aggressive rant. "Look, wasn't that hard, was it.", the boy said, freeing me from my chains.

"That's all you wanted to know? That's the reason you chained me up against the wall?", I asked him and he nodded. "Why else would I do that?", he responded. I shrugged. "I'm Felix by the way.", he then said. "Felix as in son of Apollo and Hypnos?", I asked and he chuckled but nodded. "Dang boy.", I exclaimed.

We went on, walking through the wooden door he sat in front of and up the stairs that were behind. We ended up in a sunbathed room, greatly resembling a living room. A yellow couch, wooden furniture and light floor. Plants were in every corner, all in all, it look very cosy.

"Ah, I hope you don't take it too bad, but after you shot me, I had to get back at you. First I wanted to simply seduce you, but sleep and chaining you up seemed like the better option.", he explained while rubbing his head. "Ah right, sorry for shooting you. I really wanted to shoot Cupid. Wait.. Why did you have Cupids stuff then?", I realised and looked at the mischievous grin on his face.

"Well, he wronged me, so I had to get back at him. So of course I stole his stuff.", he explained. I nodded. I could've done that too.

We went on and ate something, getting closer. Over the weeks we grew a strong friendship, never seen without each other, even in restrooms which seemed pretty weird.

It was a sunny afternoon in mid autumn when I decided to take the next step. We sat on a large field, noone around except for us. "Hey Lix?", I asked. "Yeah?", he responded immediately. "Seduce me. I want to see your powers.", I said blatantly. He nearly chocked on his drink. "What?", he asked again and I repeated. "Ah well, but don't say I didn't warn you.", he then gave in, getting in front of me. His brown orbs turned midnight blue again and I could feel the pink clouds coming. Before they could engulfe me tho, I heard Felix voice echoing through the clouds. I didn't know what he was saying, but it felt like heaven to me. Then I fell asleep. At least my body did, my mind was still wide awake. I dreamt of Felix and of dating him. It nearly brainwashed me into thinking we actually do it.

I woke up with a sighn. "Good morning sleepyhead~", Felix voice sang. "Your damn powers work way too good, now I want to date you, kiss you, marry you and fuck you.", I said, empathising the 'and'.

"What do you mean, and?", he asked, looking at me confused. "Well the other things I wanted to do beforehand already.", I said, grabbing his collar and pressing my lips on his. His eyes widened, turning a shade of gold with pink freckles. "Damn, you are so beautiful.", I mumbled against his lips. "Fuck.. Channie~", he whined, pushing his lips against mine again, leaving me shocked for a second until I responded to the kiss.

We sat for a while, he had moved into my lap, kissing my lips every so often. "Channie?", he asked. "Yeah?" "Date me?" My heart bursted. "Of course Baby~", I responded, feeling butterflies errupt in my stomach. I kissed him again and again, leaving not one spot of his lips unkissed.

"Bang fucking Christopher Chan!", I heard Felix yell through his house. I chuckled, walking down. "Yes darling?", I asked him from the stairs, him waiting at the end of them. "Give. me. my. kisses. now.", he commanded and I chuckled. "Of course Baby~"

short one still, but now rewritten (at least the end
Somehow I felt like the charm got lost in the last paragraph of the not rewritten one, so I had to rewrite it.

anyways, the promised 'fuck-series' are coming up next (most probably because they're the only stories I have somewhat prepared)

Have fun~~

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