Wherefore Art Thou

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Chapter 25


I have been tossing and turning in my bed for hours now. I can not sleep. All I keep thinking about is Zenith. During dinner tonight, while we all sat around together eating pizza and laughing and chatting about so many random things, he kept sneaking glances at me. Every time I caught him, he would flicker his eyes quickly away to somewhere else. But in all fairness, I did the same. Except when he would catch me looking at him, he would smirk at me. I swear I got butterflies every single time.

I put my pillow over my face and groan into it frustratingly. I should have talked to him more. We didn't even sit next to each other! And I would have sat by him if he didn't make me so damn nervous. I throw my pillow at the door of my balcony, I watch waiting for it to hit the glass, but it sores on through. Great, now I'm down a pillow, and why is my balcony door even open?

I lay back down and stare at the darkness of my ceiling.

"Pssst Juliette!"

I sit up quickly in my bed. My heart beginning to race inside my chest.

"Juliette!" The voice whisper shouts again. "It is your Romeo!"

I slowly get out of my bed and make my way to my balcony. I cautiously step outside, making my way to the edge. I stand at my balconies railing and look over and down for the person who I know the voice belongs to. I make out the faint silhouette of Zenith. I sigh with relief, happy that my instincts were correct.

"Zenith! What are you doing?!" I whisper yell down to him.

"Those are the wrong lines, my dear Juliette." He whispers, yells back.

I smile while shaking my head.

"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo!"

Zenith reaches down, pulling something up off of the ground. A ladder. He positions it against my balcony and begins to climb. I take a step back as he reaches the top and hops onto my balcony.

"Romeo and Juliette, huh?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

He smirks at me.

"Romeo had too many lines for me to memorize."

"When did you read it?" I laugh.

He steps closer to me and tucks a curl of my hair behind my ear.

"When I met a beautiful girl who loves poetry." He whispers.

I smile up at him.

"How did you know I was up?" I ask.

"I didn't until I saw your pillow come flying outside." He laughs lightly.

"And I may have asked Xavier to open your door for me so you would hear me calling for you."

I shake my head at him, and we both laugh.

His eyes roam over mine, then move down to my lips. He cups the side of my face with his hand, his thumb caresses my cheek, and causes shivers to spread throughout my body. He brings his other hand to my face, now caressing both of my cheeks with his thumbs. I wrap my arms around his waist as he leans down to kiss me. His hand slides down to my neck as he kisses me harder, causing my head to tilt back more. I slip my hands up the back of his shirt. Zenith sighs heavily into our kiss. I feel the muscles of his back contract against my fingertips as I move them over his smooth skin. He makes me walk backward through the door of my balcony and into my room, our lips never leaving each others.

. . .


"Stop! Don't say that, or you'll jinx it." Reina laughs as her head lays on my bare chest.

We stare at our interlaced fingers.

"You're dad really would kill me, though, and you would end up grounded for life."

We both laugh.

"Well, he is sound asleep, and you've already been here for over an hour. I am pretty sure you are safe." Reina takes her attention from our interlaced fingers and cranes her neck to look up at me and smile.

I place a light kiss on her lips, then caress her face while she smiles at me. My eyes gloss over as I look down into her beautiful brown eyes. Her eyes fill with worry.

"What is it, Zenith?" She reaches her hand up and caresses my arm.

"I'm just thinking."

"About what?" She whispers.

"You." I whisper back. She smiles and lays her head back on my chest.


"Hm?" She hums in a tired tone.

"I'm sorry for hurting you and for ignoring and avoiding you-"

Reina interrupts me, sitting up and turning towards me. Her curly hair falls forward onto her face.

"Zenith, you don't have to say anything."

I move a strand of her curly hair from her face.

"Let me finish, please."

She nods slowly.

"It hurts me knowing that I hurt you. I thought I was doing the right thing by letting you go. I thought I was protecting you. But, if your accident taught me anything, it's that life is unpredictable."

She gives me a small smile. I continue.

"I can not control what life throws our way, Reina. And I know that I can not protect you from everything."

I sigh, then whisper, "But I can protect your heart. And if you would give us another try, I can promise you that I will do my best not to hurt you again. I will never be perfect, Reina. But I will do my best to be perfect for you."

She stares at me for a moment. I begin to feel nervous that she will say no. Then, a smile spreads across her face as she rushes towards me, taking my face in her hands. She plants kisses all over my face, causing me to laugh and smile all at once.


I laugh as she continues to smother me with her kisses. I wrap my arm around her back and roll us over, placing my body on top of hers. She smiles brightly up at me and brings her fingertips to my jawline. She nuzzles her nose playfully against mine. Our lips softly brush against each others a few times. I then kiss her gently. Reina moves her fingertips to the nape of my neck as she works her hands up into my hair. I take my lips from hers and leave a trail of kisses down her neck, causing soft whimpers to escape from her lips. I reach down and caress the smooth skin of her thigh as I lift it up to my side. We hold on to each other tightly as we share in another moment of passion, surrendering ourselves to each other, loving each other with all that we are.


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