Riding Double

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Chapter 5


I walk back over to Zenith after getting my brother's skateboard from his whiny girlfriend. She apparently needed more pics for her two thousand followers. But thankfully, I was able to convince her to let me have it.

"Her you go, sir." I hand it to him.

"So I am guessing you already know how to ride one of these."

"Your guessing is correct."

"So what tricks do you know?"

"None actually, I usually just long board, you know, just cruising."

"Gotcha," Zenith smiles. "How about I teach you a flip jump mount?"

He lays the skateboard upside down over his feet. I watch as he does a little jump hop, flipping the skateboard right side up and landing back on it. He pops his foot down on the tail of the skateboard and grabs the nose of it with his palm.

"Your turn." He hands it to me.

I put the skateboard upside down across my feet just like he did. I jump, flip it over and land on top of it smoothly.

"Okay, so maybe I know one trick." I smile at him, and he smiles back.

"Have you ever tried it with a partner?"

"No, why?" I scrunch my nose at him.

I start to feel a bit nervous as he walks around me, standing behind me. He leans down, placing the skateboard upside down over my feet, then straightens back up behind me, putting his feet on either side of mine. I can feel his chest against my back, and it causes me to shiver.

"You good?"

"All good." I laugh nervously.

"Okay, so on three, we're both going to jump then land on it at the same time, okay?"

I give him a thumbs up, and he takes my hands in his.

"On three."

"On three." I repeat feeling giddy.

"One...two...three!" Zenith yells, and we both jump.

We wobble a little, and Zenith grips my hands, keeping my arms from flailing and steadies us on the board.

"We stuck the landing!" I squeal happily while Zenith laughs.

I tilt my head back towards him to look up at him, and he's already smiling down at me. We just stare at each other for a few seconds, and then his hand comes up to my face and caresses my chin.

"REINA!" Xavier yells.

His screaming of my name startles me, causing me to fall back against Zenith, knocking us both off of the skateboard, ruining the moment we were about to share. I look at Xavier, trying not to let my frustration with him show.


"We're about to do a round of Last Man Standing bring Zenith with you!"

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