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Chapter 19


Zenith will not answer my calls or messages. It has been over a week since what happened at the skatepark. I was sure Zenith was just acting off of what happened that night, and he would call me up the next day and say it was a mistake. But he hasn't. My mom said what he is going through is beyond me and that Zenith probably truly believes he is a danger to me and until he can forgive himself for what happened in his past there won't be a future for him with anyone.

I wish that made me feel better, but it doesn't. I feel like my body is too heavy for me to carry. And no matter how hard I try not to cry, the tears fall anyway.

He has been avoiding and ignoring me. I haven't seen him at all. Even Xavier has tried reaching out. But still nothing.

No matter what I do, I can not get Zenith off of my mind. Reading, writing, music, movies. Nothing helps.

There is a knock at my bedroom door, and then it opens.

"Cathy?" I sit up in my bed.

"Hi, sweetheart." She gives me a small smile.

"Hi, what brings you by."

"Well, I wanted to check on you and see how you were doing."

I shrug and try a smile, but the tears begin to fall again.

Cathy comes and sits on my bed.

"Zenith is back seeing Dr. Adams."

"His therapist?"

She nods.

"Is it bad again?" I sniffle, and she hands me a tissue.

"The nightmares are the worst I think they've ever been."

My heart breaks even more to hear that.

"Why won't he see me? Or at least talk to me?" I cry.

Cathy wipes my tears.

"He doesn't want you to see him this way."

"But I love him, Cathy." I choke on my words.

"I know honey, and he loves you too so much, I can promise you that." She pats my leg.

"I know he will come around when he's better. If his mother had just given him some closure, I don't think it would have been this bad."

I had never thought of that. Closure. And now I have an idea.

"What is his mother's name?" I ask, trying not to sound too curious.

"Amelia," Cathy smiles a small smile, "she was such a beautiful girl growing up."

"You knew her?"

"A little yes, John would golf with her father, and her family would always host a summer party. They were very well off."

"What happened to them?"

"Oh, Amelia's mother passed away from breast cancer a year after Amelia wed. And her father began to drink to cope with the loss of his wife. He ended up selling everything and moved to God knows where."

"And Amelia?" I ask softly.

"She still lives in the house Zenith grew up in."

And that is exactly the information I need.

I fake a small yawn.

"I'm feeling tired now, I think I'm going to try and take a nap."

"Of course," she stands to leave. "If you need anything, just call."

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