Please Rey

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Chapter 21


My dad, Ashley, and I sit in the cafeteria of the hospital.

I stare at the food in front of me. A chicken salad sandwich and a bag of baked chips. Reina's favorite. I had just blindly grabbed things, not thinking about it, and I ended up grabbing her favorites. I smirk to myself, thinking about how she told me I have a garbage diet and need to clean it up.

"You see these abs?" I remember showing her, and she covered her eyes and grimaced at me.

"Ain't nobody trying to see that!" She yelled at me.

"Ashley loves it!" I countered.

Reina only gagged and walked away after shooting me a glare.

She had me laughing so hard.

"Xavier," my dad waves his hand in my face to get my attention.

I shake my head.

"Ye sorry, what?" I look up at him.

"I was saying that I have to go pick up your mom from the airport. Her plane is arriving in twenty minutes."

I nod my head.

"You want to come with me?"

"Nah, I'ma stay here just in case Reina wakes up. Don't want her freaking out because she is alone."

"Zenith is with her." Ashley says softly.

"I know," I give her a small smile, "But I am her big brother, I should be here just in case."

Ashley returns my smile.

"Alright then," my dad clears his throat as he begins placing his trash onto his tray, "I'll be back soon with your mom."

"Be safe, dad."

He gives me a nod, then picks up his tray and leaves the table.

Ashley moves over into his seat so she is closer to me. She takes my hand in hers.

"How are you, Zay?" She asks with concern in her eyes.

"I'm fine," I shrug, "you know me."

"You're right. I do know you, which is why I know that you bottle things up and pretend you're fine when you're not."

I run my hand down my face. I am honestly so tired and emotionally exhausted.

"Talk to me, Zay."

I shake my head.

"I feel like there were so many times I should have been there for Reina, and I wasn't."

I sigh heavily.

"I should have been there for her after our parents split, but instead, I left her to deal with it on her own. I barely had any contact with her even though I had a phone, so there was no excuse not to."

"Xavier, you were both children when your parents split it was hard on both of you."

"I know. I just still should have been there for her. And when I found out she was coming for the summer, I was scared she would hate me, but no. Reina has the most forgiving heart. She never holds anything against anyone."

Tears start to form clouding my vision.

"I wasn't there for her after Zenith broke up with her. I would stand outside her door listening to her crying, but I was too much of a coward to go in and help. I figured she just needed time, you know?"

Ashley listens intently, never letting go of my hand.

"When she asked me to try calling Zenith, I thought she was doing too much and needed to let him go. I called him like she asked and put it on speaker so she'd hear it go to voice-mail. I didn't even hug her or hold her hand when she started crying right then and there."

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