I nervously rake my hands through my hair while Xavier still paces.

A doctor comes rushing in, and more nurses come to escort Xavier and me out.

Xavier protests, not wanting to leave his sister. The nurses tell him that they can't help Reina if he doesn't give them the space they need. I grab Xavier by the arm and lead him out of her room.

"What's happening, man?" Xavier slides down the wall and begins to cry from his spot on the floor.

I sit down next to him and lean my head back against the wall.

Xavier continues to cry silently, his head resting in his hands.

I blink back tears as images of Reina and I begin to flash across my memories. I see her looking up at me with those big brown eyes of hers as I ask her if a necklace belongs to her. I see the cute way she scrunches up her nose when thinking. I see her twirling in her blue dress as I spin her around. I see her crying and asking me not to let her go.

"I'm not letting you go." I whisper quietly to myself as my own tears begin to fall.

. . .


"When did you get so good at chess, grandpa?" I laugh as I put him in checkmate again.

His eyebrows knit together as he analyzes the board. He then tsks his tongue and knocks his King over.

"I win again!" I smile brightly at him.

"No one likes a sore winner."

"Or a cheater." I eye him, and he laughs.

"How was I supposed to know that at only nine years old, you'd be so smart."

We both share a laugh together. It feels so good to laugh with him again. I have missed this so much.

"Can I stay here, Grandpa, with you?" I look at my Grandpa with pleading eyes.

"Reina," he sits up in his chair. "You're still so young, my dear."

"I know. But, I don't care, Grandpa." I look around me. It is so beautiful here, and the more I am here, the happier I feel."

I look into his eyes.

"I can't even remember what it is like to feel pain."

I look down at my hands.

"I want to stay."

My grandpa reaches across the table and takes my hand.

"The choice is yours, Reina, it is not my place to choose for you."

My eyes light up.

"However," he continues, "what do you say we play for it?"

"Play for it?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Yes. If you win, you stay."

"And if you win?"

"Then you go and live the life you are still meant to, my dear." He smiles at me softly.

"Okay then." I nod, "Let's play for it."

He pulls his chair up closer to the table as do I. This time, I get to go first. I move my right pawn that sits in front of my bishop forward once.

I see the corner of my Grandpa's mouth twitch. He then makes his mov,  which I am not surprised by. I would have done the same.

I make my second move, but before I can even take my hand from my piece, my Grandpa has already made his. I look at him in shock. He only shrugs, gesturing towards the board for me to go.

I eye him for a secon,  then put my focus back on to the game. I calculate my every move as well as his. We go back and forth, his move, my move, I kill one of his pieces, he kills one of mine.

We continue on like this until I see it. I can beat him in just three more moves. I keep my face void of that knowledge as my Grandpa takes his turn.

I bite my lip as I make the first of the three moves.

My Grandpa then tilts his head at the board as he makes his move.

I then make my second move. One more mov,  and I win.

I watch as my Grandpa sits back in his seat and folds his hands in his lap.

"You're sure this is what you wan,  my dear?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Now don't try and back out of our deal now that I'm winning." I grin, but he stays serious.

"Are you really ready to leave your mother. Your father. Even Xavier?"

I hesitate for a moment.

"They have each other Grandpa, you have none of us here."

He gives me a small smile as he leans towards me.

"How about Zenith?"

I had not even thought of Zenith once since I awoke here. How could I have forgotten Zenith? I then remember how this place is called Oblivion. A flood of memories come rushing through me. Every single memory of Zenith and I, good and bad, plays inside my head. I blink away what should be tears, but I feel none.

"Zenith." I whisper to myself.

"Are you ready to leave him?"

I look at my Grandpa as he raises his eyebrows at me. I am at a loss for words. My eyes flick down to the chess board. I pick up my piece and make my final move.



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