Lin Yan, who was sitting next to him, raised his head, with a little jealousy in his eyes. He snorted and turned away. He was also an Omega, and he was also surprised by Lin Xun just now.

"Auntie, please serve me a bowl of porridge."

The servant stood behind He Huishan and replied with a bad attitude: "Master, the breakfast at home is always milk and bread, no porridge."

"Oh, that's it!" Lin Xun smiled, and his originally handsome facial features suddenly became gorgeous, like an ink painting dyed with brilliant colors, "Then cook a portion for me alone, Dad, that's okay ?"

He asked so directly and frankly that people couldn't react for a moment.

Lin Zhonghai was stunned for a moment and said, "Just tell me what you want to eat. There's nothing wrong with it."

After speaking, he raised his eyes and glanced at the servant behind He Huishan.

The moment her eyes glanced over, He Huishan had the illusion of being warned. The servants at home were all relatives from her hometown. Because of this relationship, she often bullied Lin Xun, the child of her ex-wife.

It's just that Lin Xun never said that in the past, and Lin Zhonghai rarely interfered in family affairs, so he just assumed that he didn't care, and his attitude towards Lin Xun became more and more disrespectful.

When faced with Lin Xun's challenge, the servant glared at Lin Xun fiercely and turned around and entered the kitchen.

He Huishan burst into laughter: "Xunxun, it was Auntie's fault. She thought that because you eat with us on weekdays, you also like to eat these. I didn't take you into consideration. I'm sorry."

Lin Yan sneered: "Mom, I think he did it on purpose. If he wanted to drink porridge, why didn't he tell him earlier and wait until breakfast was ready? Why didn't he do it on purpose?"

Lin Xun pursed his lips when he heard this and did not argue. He just looked at the porcelain plate in front of him quietly with a lonely expression.

He didn't say a word or refute, he just sat here quietly, with a pale face, looking pitiful and helpless. Lin Zhonghai, who had always found Lin Xun Yin Yin unpleasant, couldn't stand it: "Why do you talk so much?" , your brother drank porridge, how could it be intentional? Huishan has been taking care of the housework for so many years, doesn't she even know that Lin Xun likes to drink porridge? "

He Huishan's face turned pale, and then her eyes turned red: "It's my fault, Xunxun, Auntie won't be like this again."

Lin Xun raised his head and twitched the corners of his lips: "It's okay, Auntie, I know it's hard for you to run the housework. I understand. Dad, I actually have something to tell you."

Something like this happened just now, and Lin Zhonghai spoke in a gentler tone: "What's the matter, you tell me?"

"I was ignorant before about going to the Gu family. Now it is the most difficult time for the family. I am willing to help the family share the burden." Lin Xun smiled at He Huishan when he said this.

He continued, "My aunt has also had a hard time helping me manage the inheritance left by my mother over the years. When you have time, transfer it to my name. From now on, aunt will not have to worry so much and can take care of the housework with peace of mind. If you don't have time to deal with this kind of I have already contacted Lawyer Zhang about this small matter, and he said he will help me come forward, and it will be handled according to normal procedures. It is very convenient, do you think it is okay?"

As soon as Lin Xun finished speaking, He Huishan's expression suddenly changed. She tried hard to suppress the panic in her eyes and pretended to smile naturally: "Xunxun, did Auntie do a bad job and asked you to..."

The debt-paying little wife of the top AlphaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant