Part 15 - Power

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She was waking. And no one knew of what was to come. Experimented on, awakened as a white mage. Lantana worried, but could not deny the fact that she was scared. Scared about what Violet may become when she awoke, how she would act. Scared of the future. But, she had to be a good friend. She had to stay by her side, and try to help her, do anything that could prevent something disastrous happening. Suddenly, Violet's eyes burst open, and she quickly sat up.

"Where are we!" She shouted out, before quickly falling back down to the ground with a groan. "My head is pounding. Where are we?" She repeated.

"In the forest close to the facility. We escaped. You awakened your powers. We are trying to figure out what to do," Harper replied bluntly.

"Everything hurts, and, but I remember this... blinding light..."

Lantana sighed before deciding to break the news to her.

"You are a white mage. But, Rin only told me that. He said your powers are useless unless awakened, but they were able to awaken your powers. We don't know what you're capable of, or if you're... dangerous," She answered, choking out that last word.

She didn't want to hurt her friend. But, she had to be cautious in case of all scenarios.

"Dangerous? I don't think I'm dangerous, and I'd never hurt you guys. I don't even know my powers for the God's sake!"

Even though Violet made a satisfactory point, they still had the right to be cautious. But, with no other options at the moment, they had to heed by her word. Harper gave her a motion to continue onward, and she proceeded into the woods to gather materials for their camp. The second the two of them had made it clear that they had means to camp in this location, at least until Violet was in a stable condition, Gabriel had gone off into the woods wordlessly. They hoped that he was gathering materials for the camp, hunting food, or at least doing something to help them. Knowing Gabriel though, he wasn't doing any of that.


After multiple hours, in which Gabriel had still not returned, Lantana and Harper had set up a decent enough camp. When they were kidnapped, they were stripped of all materials, and who knows where they went to. After scouting out the land though, they had completely lucked out as they had found a cave. True, the entrance was small, but it would be easy to hide, and inside, it was spacious enough to comfortably fit the four of them. Once Lantana had found it, she swapped out with Harper who at least tried to make it livable, and she monitored Violet. For the first few swaps, she kept coming in and out of consciousness, but after about three hours, she seemed to have fully awakened. By four hours, she was trying to help them with their camp. Even though the gesture was appreciated, the two of them kept saying that she needed to rest, and that she shouldn't help. By five hours, they had finished improving both the interior and exterior of the cave. By six hours, the rest of their camp had been finished up. By hour seven, Gabriel returned. He came trudging into their camp just as Lantana and Harper started to discuss dinner options. Carrying an entire deer. The two of them started blankly at him, before he heaved it off his shoulder, placing it on the ground. Then, he took out a flaying knife out of thin air, and started skinning the animal.

"Where did you get those from!" Lantana exasperatedly cried.

"Got into a... fight. I took their knife. I also found a deer on the way here. Didn't know what was coming for it until it was too late,"

"Well, where were you for all the other hours!"

"None of your business,"

Judging by his tone, that was the end of the conversation. With nothing better to do, Harper went into the cave to make sure Violet was alright, so Lantana was there, awkwardly sitting with Gabriel around the firepit. They had collected firewood, and were able to start a flame just before he arrived, and now the flames danced across the logs, casting beams of light in various directions. Lantana was grateful for the warmth it gave off, and almost didn't notice as a hunk of venison came flying at her. Instinctively, she caught it, but it had almost flown past her fingertips, which would have resulted in it flopping to the ground.

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