Epilogue - Tomorrow's Victory

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It was Violet. Violet who had saved them all. It should have ended them as Graeme went to slay Adra. Violet seemed to sense the action, and just as Fhildyin was about to pierce the goddess's skin, she summoned one of her white portals. The momentum that Graeme held was enough to propel him out of their existence for the moment. 

The crowd quickly turned toward the one who cast the spell, the gods included. Every soul on the battlefield realized that there was no passive threat against them. Virago's army was ready to end the battle, even if it wasn't desirable. The gods had been able to see the power they possessed, and with the scare of losing one of their own, it was enough for them to call a truce. It was over, but just as one problem had ended, a new one dawned.

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"We do apologize for any inconvenience caused," Rhytdros' tone seemed genuine but it seemed too little for everything that have arose. 

The meeting only consisted of a few of them, but it felt as if the weight of the worlds were being conveyed. Lantana, Rhytdros, and... the king. Her father. 

"Would you kindly explain what you did to my father in the time of his absence?" Lantana demanded the god. The king had been returned to the castle the dawn after the final battle. In the midst of everything that had been happening, it just added onto the layers of confusion. 

"We took him as our... hostage seeing that he was the root of all these troubles. We did have intentions to return him, but it seems that Virago is better off without your father anyway."

Lantana did not want to accept the words that had just been spoken by Rhytdros, especially seeing how her father looked after the whole endeavor. He was thin and gaunt, a role she never would have suspected to see on a royal. A look that was only reserved for the peasants. Starved and beaten, having to experience the true nature of their world.

Concurrently, maybe, just maybe, it was an experience he needed to have to better understand the people.

"Now, I must get going. I wanted to request a meeting with the both of you for a formal apology. Is there anything else you would like the add?"

Lantana's mouth worked before her mind, but it was a question that had been burning on her mind all day. "Did you know?" No emotion, stated just like that. There was no need to clarify as the other parties in the room knew exactly what she was talking about.

"I, for one, did know. All of us gods do. The feat that Graeme completed was one deemed impossible, but it was a well of our blood that had festered into... that. We keep an eye on him for obvious reasons, but it's not in our power to manipulate his actions."

"Father." Lantana turned to the man, and was almost disappointed to see him cower under her gaze.

"Well, Lantana, the general was a v-very powerful man and-"

"Don't avoid the question. Did. You. Know."

He looked down at his feet ashamed, and Lantana knew the answer before he had even spoke. "Yes, I knew. I knew that the general was an immortal."

"There was more to our conflict that met the eye," Rhytdros interrupted. "I stated previously, we keep an eye on Blackwoode. A... true demi-god leading an army to fight against humans was a task deemed unfair. We were ready to intervene decades ago when Blackwoode first joined Virago's army, but a truce was negotiated." Rhytdros looked as if he wanted to stop, but Lantana urged him to continue.

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