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Rob came back after a long day at the office. After their return the day before he’d barely slept before having to get up early and go in. It was almost midnight when he got home, changing before making a meal. He wasn’t sure what it was, dinner or lunch or both combined as he’d not eaten all day. When he was done, he went to check on Benjie if he was still in his room, but was surprised when no one was in there.

Benjie had locked himself in the day before after their return, his door still locked in the morning, which made Rob think he needed time so he left him by himself hoping that he’d sort out his emotions, he left him there to his thoughts.

With a frown, Rob went to the kitchen, sitting on one of the stools by the island as he took out his phone and called Benjie but got no answer. He wondered if he went to the grocery nearby to get some snacks, as he's told him Blayth’s trick to always get over sadness was to eat them away. He took a deep breath, hoping for the best. He called again, but no answer. He waited an hour, then another, but nothing. With a sigh, he started pacing, wondering if he should call Tobias, but then realizing the man went through enough with Edmur’s health. He sighed, taking a seat at the couch, turning on the TV to distract himself. He glanced at the clock for the hundredth time that night, it was almost 4 AM. He frowned to himself, going back to the TV but then he heard noise at the main door, making him get up in a rush as he turned off the TV, watching the lock get fumbled with before Benjie opened it, laughing as he turned around then walked in a girl with his arm around her waist.

“What the fuck?” Rob demanded, making Benjie look at him, still laughing, “What the actual fuck?”

“Rob!” He said, “Meet…” he then turned to the girl, as if having forgotten her name.

“Rachel.” She said, laughing, obviously both completely drunk.

“Out!” he said to her, making her startle.

“Isn’t this your place?” she asked Benjie who laughed.

“It’s Rob’s. I stay with him.” He told her.

“I said get the fuck out!” he said, going to her before he guided her to the door as Benjie protested along with her. He shut the door behind her before calling down to the security, telling them to make sure she got a cab as he turned to Benjie. “What the fuck is wrong with your head?” he demanded, “Do you know what time it is?”

“AM?” he asked, frowning, “Why did you do that? We were having fun-…”

“Benjie!” Rob demanded, “You didn’t even leave a note or send a text that you will be late! You didn’t even answer your phone.”

“I was-…”

“Out getting drunk?” He demanded, “Since when do you, of all people, drink? Weren’t you pissed at Toby for drinking only yesterday?”

“Shut the fuck up!” Benjie said, “As if you know shit about shit!”

“Benjie!” Rob yelled in frustration before he dug his fingers in his hair then went back to glaring at Benjie after he tossed his arms in the air, “What the hell am I to do with you? I let you have one day off and this is how you spend it? You are fucking sad, just cry! Don’t go out and put yourself in danger without even letting me know where you were!”

“Fuck off, Rob!” Benjie glared, “Way to ruin my good mood.”

“What good mood? You can barely stand straight!” Rob said, shoving him, “Look at you! Tobias would be disappointed! You think he’d be proud of this? The way you are right now?” Before he knew it, a fist flew at him, punching him straight in the jaw. He looked back at Benjie just as he was tossed to the ground, the weight of Benjie on top of him. He started defending himself, the way Lazarus had taught him, the way Noah did. One punch for another until both had bloody lips, and were bruised all over. It didn’t take long for Benjie to overpower him even in his drunken state, holding him by his labels against the side of the window.

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